Аналіз послідовності будівництва в межах ділянки старої щільної забудови у м. Львові


Гладишев Г. М.*, Гладишев Д. Г.**, Дац А. Я.***, Царьов Є. С.* / Gladyshev G. M., Gladyshev D. G., Dats A. Ya., Tsariov Ye. S

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
* кафедра будівельних конструкцій та мостів,
** кафедра архітектурних конструкцій,
*** магістр будівництва

Operation of the old buildings of the Lviv city is close to a century conditional term. The owners of these buildings, regardless of their form of ownership, should follow structural safety of buildings associated with the reliability of operation. They must have the appropriate specialists or hire them to determine the technical building condition of the old building. These buildings have long been subject to examination to continue the period of efficient service of housing. The actual estimate of technical buildings condition of the old building under standardized gradation is necessary to determine the direction of their reconstruction. First of all, it is necessary to warn and prevent the conversion of buildings into emergency and critical condition.
Experience of the authors of the old buildings examination shows that the first and most significant impact on the building condition provides uneven deformation of bases under their foundations. The authors propose to start examination using the geodesic method. It allows you to quickly determine the actual spatial deformations of individual buildings in a group of buildings with bases and compare them with the marginal deformations in normative documents which are used for the required analysis. In addition, the article analyses the possibility of determining the order of construction of buildings according to deformation indicators that are obtained during the examination of the group of buildings in the old housing system of the Lviv city.

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