Оцінка ефективності дії захисного покриття на корозійну стійкість бетону


Гивлюд М. М., Сташко Н. П., Топилко Н. І.*, Семенів Р. М.** / Gyvlyud M. M., Stashko N. P., Topylko N. I., Semeniv R. M

Національний університет ’’Львівська політехніка’’,
кафедра будівельного виробництва,
*кафедра автомобільних доріг,
**кафедра будівельних конструкцій і мостів

The thesis is devoted to the development of theoretical bases of the corrosion resistance of concrete by protective coatings on the base of polymethylphenylsiloxane filled with aluminum and zinc oxides. The technological properties of protective coatings compositions were investigated by methods of physical and chemical analysis, methods of the concrete surface coating and form conditions were shown. Determined that the forming matric-oxide structure covering in the process of hardening passpasses behind counting polymerization polymethylphenylsiloxane. Fixed optimal thickness protective layer of covering on the concrete`s surface. Optimization of the composition of the protective coating was done and the effect of additives on the performance of water absorption, chemical and biological corrosion resistance of the treated concrete were investigated. The influence of composition on adhesive strength, integrity and durability of the protective coating were established. The technical specifications for obtaining initial compositions of protective coatings and technological regulations of its production were designed. Methods of physical and chemical analysis confirmed high biostation of the protect concrete to action microflora of forest soil.

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