: 174-187
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Management of Organizations

The article substantiates the expediency of revising and changing the paradigm of the innovation process based on the priority of the component interaction. The need for such a revision is driven by the acceleration of globalization processes, the change in the concept of partnership in innovation, the transformation of the principles of meeting consumer demands and the creation of new consumer value.

The authors examined the concepts of the innovation process and innovative activity in the legislative acts of Ukraine and research of domestic and foreign scientists and found significant contradictions between them and inconsistency with modern realities. Based on the analysis and the performed research, the authors proposed their own narrow and extended interpretation of the innovation process based on the priority of the component interaction.

Innovative processes can be carried out in different models - flowcharts and sequences of stages, different sources of new ideas and relationships between stages, which in modern theory of innovation are seven: linear (technological impetus), linear (market pull), linear with feedback interaction, integrated, network; model of open innovation; model of advanced innovation networks. The authors investigated the evolution of these models, highlighted the key characteristics of their implementation, advantages and disadvantages of implementation.

Particular attention was paid to the study of models by interaction parameters, that is, the subject of interaction, forms of interaction, interaction participants. The authors conclude that approaches to understanding and requirements for the innovation process change depending on the dynamics of market factors, economic environment of the subjects of innovation: the tasks, goals, circle of participants change. The interaction between the participants is becoming more complex, systematic, taking on different forms and methods of implementation. As the models change, the priority of the stages and their accents change. Innovation can be initiated either by the market, or by a technological stimulus, or a combination of them. The source of new ideas is an important factor, but, as the evolution of models shows, the factor that fosters interaction between the innovation process and future consumers of innovation is more important. The wider the range of potential participants in the interaction, the greater the likelihood of commercial success in innovation.

Thus, the effectiveness of the innovation process is determined by the indicators of establishing interaction between stages and participants of innovation, mainly information efficiency of the process, indicators of establishing communications through the innovation network.

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