: 34-42
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The role, importance and features of the IT sphere in the modern market economy are shown in the article. The author tries to find out the main reasons for the growth of the industry, as well as to identify those factors that hinder its development.

The author proposes to pay attention to using American model experience of IT sphere development, the main characteristic of which is the dominance of the private sector over the functions of the state in all directions of society’s development. It is pointed out that the main purpose of this model is the intensive development of electronic communications to establish social, political and cultural ties in society.

It is stressed on Ukraine’s stable IT position. In particular, Ukraine is the leader in Europe in terms of export of IT services. The total export of IT industry’s turnover is projected to reach $ 8.4 billion by 2025.

The problems of slow IT sphere development are highlighted: unfavorable business climate; diminishing the importance of the IT industry; lack of quality profile education – Ukrainian higher education institutions are still operating under the outdated curriculum, and the modern labor market needs specialists, who are aware of new trends; shortage of qualified personnel, etc.

Finding out these key issues gives you an opportunity to focus on important areas of government regulation in the IT field.

Regarding the prospects for further improvement of IT industry state regulation, it is emphasized by the author the perception of the Government’s proposal to initiate the creation of the IT–Creative Foundation. The main purpose of the fund’s activities is to develop human capital, which will educate new qualified specialists for the industry.

Direct cooperation between universities and IT companies is also mentioned as a direction of state regulation in the IT industry. The government’s main task is to develop clear and understandable rules for the game in taxation and the IT industry. It is suggested to reduce the amount of taxable profit by setting a percentage of the amount of profit on the costs associated with training specialists. Moreover, it is an additional benefit for universities, which, in the absence of budgetary, will receive a new source of funding.

It is determined that, despite the fact that the information society is the base that will allow the implementation of the most advanced achievements of the IT industry in all spheres of public life, Ukraine has not achieved the desired results in this regard. The main reasons for this are the lag in the political and regulatory environment, the low level of use of IT by the government, the inefficiency of the legislative and executive power, the judiciary and so on.

It is proved that despite the considerable progress in the development of the IT industry in recent years, its further development in our country will depend directly on the transparency and stability of doing business, guaranteeing its security, the development of the IT services market, human resources, tax policy and so on. Ratification of the ILO Convention on Home Work and the ILO Decent Work for Freelancers would be a significant moment for the development of the industry.

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