The Asean and the EU in comparison: geoeconomic and institutional aspects

: pp.27-32
Received: August 25, 2015
Accepted: October 05, 2015

Olga Ivasechko

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The author of the article compares the indexes of separate components of geoeconomic and institutional potential of the ASEAN and the European Union. The role of these integrational unions is determined in regional and global dimensions. Problematic aspects and main differences in functioning of the ASEAN and the EU are defined. On the basis of comparative analysis of macroeconomic indexes of the ASEAN and the EU, considerable achievements of the ASEAN were stated. First of all, this is grounded by the fact of combined potential of ten Association member states which is much higher comparing to capacity of its separate states. Thus, member states of the ASEAN grant substantial preferences to consolidation on the international arena, despite their relatively low social economic level, comparing to the EU. The approach which is based only on the rates of economic development of ASEAN member states and their part in world macroeconomic indexes has many considerable drfawbacks: firstly, it does not take into consideration qualitative parameters of economic modernization in Asian countries in the context of regional integration; secondly, it does not pay attention to the essential differences in development of economic parameters of ASEAN member-states concerning integration and globalization in general. It is emphasized, that the EU and the ASEAN by uniting states different in their culture, language and national traditions, have much in common in their structure and approach to achieving the objectives. The cooperation between them is based on the unity of national states, respect for the national cultures, and openness to the dialogue. None of them is a threat to their neighbors and each of them derives from the fact that economic and political integration is the driving force for the development of democracy and providing of security. A clear example of this is qualitative humanitarian development among the continents and tangible results of their economic cooperation.

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