Європейський Союз

Legal Regulation of the Activities of Attorneys General in the Context of European Integration: Challenges and Opportunities for Ukraine.

Summary. This paper studies the problem of legal regulation of the activity of attorneys general in the context of European integration and its influence on the modern development of the legal system of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the challenges that the country faces in the process of adapting national legislation to European standards in the field of advocacy, as well as to identify opportunities that this process can open up for Ukraine.

The concept and socio-legal value of the reconciliation of the parties in the administrative judiciary of Ukraine

The article is aimed at research of the concept and socio-legal significance of the reconciliation of the parties in the administrative proceedings of Ukraine. On the basis of legal methods of scientific knowledge, such as: dialectical, logical-formal, comparative-legal, etc., modern approaches to understanding the legal nature and essence of the concept of "reconciliation" are considered.

Reforms as a prerequisite for ukraine's accession to the Еuropean Union

Reforms and their impact are an integral part of the process of accession to the European Union. These measures create the foundation for harmonizing the country's legislation with European standards and norms, and contribute to improving the living standards of citizens and the stability of society. One of the key aspects of reforms is economic change. Countries aspiring to join the European Union usually implement reforms aimed at liberalizing markets, improving the business climate, and fighting corruption.


We are encountering the term artificial intelligence more and more often. In everyday life, we are almost completely unaware that we come into contact with it and use it. It is found in various areas of human life. Artificial intelligence does not have comprehensive legislation to date. There are a number of states active in this area, with their own leaders. These include the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the European Union.

The role of higher government bodies in European integration processes of Ukraine

This scientific article examines the process of preparation and accession of the state to the European Union (EU) with an emphasis on the work of higher authorities. The authors analyze the key aspects and stages that include the transition to European norms and standards, as well as the reforms necessary to comply with EU standards. The article examines the role of parliament, government, and other authorities in the implementation of European policies and legislation, and evaluates their effectiveness in this process.

Legal aspects of fighting disinformation in the European Union: lessons for Ukraine

Аnnotation. The article "Legal aspects of combating disinformation in the European Union: lessons for Ukraine" describes and analyzes in detail the problem associated with a large amount of false, manipulative and extremely harmful information that every modern person has to face. Special attention is paid to the legislative regulation of the information sphere, measures aimed at improving information security in the European Union and Ukraine.


The article clarifies the key features of the implementation of projects within the framework of PESCO and their prospects, taking into account the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that the Russian-Ukrainian war since 2014 has gone beyond the regional framework and affected the foundations of international and European security. It also analyzes the PESCO Strategic Review 2020 and the guidelines for the PESCO next phase (2021–2025) in terms of overall purpose, key policy objectives, processes, and incentives to improve the implementation of more pressing commitments.

Features of the export of certified dairy products to the European Union countries in the conditions of Russian aggression in Ukraine

The article attempts to investigate the peculiarities of exporting domestically produced dairy products to the European Union countries in the conditions of full-scale invasion and aggression of the occupier of russia. It caused colossal moral and material losses and damages for Ukraine, including for all sectors of the economy and infrastructural sectors of the economy. Among other sectors of the economy, the production of dairy products in the structure of food production suffered significant damage.

Customs procedures of the European Union: essence, typology and features of application

On the way to European integration, Ukraine is facing many tasks related to the fulfillment of obligations under the Association Agreement with the European Union. One of the key places in the list of such tasks is harmonization of domestic customs legislation in terms of customs procedures with the norms of the European Union. In the context of assistance in solving this problem the essence and structure of customs procedures under the legislation of the European Union were studied.

The role of a judge in the conciliation procedure of the parties in the administrative judiciary of Ukraine and EU member states

The article analyzes the place and role of the judge in the procedure of conciliation of the parties in the administrative proceedings of Ukraine and the EU Member States. It is established that in Ukraine there is a simple model of the subjective composition of conciliation of the parties in administrative proceedings, which is characterized by certain elements of a relatively complex model of the relevant subject composition (the judge encourages the parties to try to reconcile, but does not provide them with certain options to be considered).