Does the philosophy of dialogue have a future? (Review of the monograph Bartłomiej Sipiński. Dialog. Poznań: Pracownia Humanistycznych Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych UAM, 2015. 259 s.)

: 56-58
Received: October 08, 2018
Accepted: November 08, 2018
Lviv National Polytechnic University

The author of the monograph considers the phenomenon of dialogue in the context of the philosophy of dialogue and personalism. Therefore, the author’s approach to realizing dialogue is called “dialogical personalism” and its method is a 
phenomenological description. There are different levels of intentional bias between Me and Thou. The author argues that
such intentional bias is ambivalent and dynamic, symmetrical or asymmetrical, and depends on the personalities of Me and Thou. The monograph “Dialogue” confirms that the philosophy of intentional dialogue needs the new definition of the concept of intentionality – the Husserl’s key concept. 
Undoubtedly, the philosophy of dialogue has a future, because we see the new two strong crises in Europe. First is called
the migrant crisis, and second – Russian-Ukrainian war. The Europeans cannot resolve both crises right now. A Dialogue as the fundamental existential of a human being looks some utopian in the context of the wars in Syria and Ukraine, but a human being always has a choice and will to make a decision.  The author attempts to consider a Dialogue as some kind of consensual agreement between all sides beyond the language of hate, xenophobia, fascism, racism etc. Therefore, a Dialogue needs a new language – a meta-language of Dialogue. This new kind of language can emerge only in the space of Dialogue. We cannot create this language as an artificial one. So we can stress that philosophy of dialogue is searching own “set of concepts”, a new language – the language of Dialogue. 

Sipiński,  B.  (2015).  Dialog.  Poznań:  Pracownia Humanistycznych Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych UAM.