The Problem of Optimal Tasks Processing in Nodes of the Distributed Information System

: pp. 51 - 57

Grigoriy Tsegelyk, Roman Krasniuk

Department of Mathematical Modelling Socio-Economic Processes, Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, 1, Universytetska St., L’viv, 79000, UKRAINE, E-mail: kafmmsep@lnu. edu. ua, krasniuk@ukr. net

The problem of optimal processing tasks in the nodes of a distributed information system on the basis of a mathematical model belonging to a class of two-clustering problems, for which an optimization problem with a fractional linear target function is formulated, was investigated. The procedure of linearization of the target function is carried out and the general scheme of the iterative process of constructing an optimization problem solution is presented, where at each step of the iteration the result can be obtained using both the exact method of branches and bounds and using the genetic algorithm. The variants of the
corresponding methods were given, where the structure of the model was taken into account for branching strategies and calculating the upper limit in the method of branches and boundaries. For the genetic algorithm, it was proposed to use the parameters self-training of algorithm, which provides correction of populations in the direction of the best adaptability.

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