Methodical principles improvement mastering and increasing of success of the training by methods of active components electronic discipline

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

With the development of informational technology creates more questions: “How to change the system so that learning to apply new methods and not lose experience gained over the years?” Answer I will try to give the reader in this article. Students should actively encourage, motivate its subject and method of teaching. Nobody cancel blackboard, but you can show the projects considered articles, scientific video. It is simple, but very effective.

More important is the problem of evaluating students and their independent learning. After hours of programming provided as lectures, seminars, laboratory and hours of independent studies of students. To ensure the study and consideration of issues aside for independent study resources appropriate to use LMS Moodle “Virtual Learning Environments Lviv Polytechnic”. Regardless of whether a humanitarian or technical discipline it can be stated and organize accessible and convenient for the teacher and students. This guarantees that almost all the material is covered and learned.

Agree much easier to test and accurately by using a computer. In LMS Moodle question provided different levels of difficulty and different types. You can create quiz that are the easiest and probably the least accurate evaluation criterion of knowledge, but scores obtained in this way serve as part of the current control instance and some encouragement for students. For full-fledged control tests needed and open questions, problems, and examples. It also provides, because you can not only choose options, but also insert calculation results.

With scientific works, essays, creative works, abstracts should work via tasks with answers in the form of one or more files. This feedback between students and teachers again provides the LMS Moodle. Such a system of evaluation of students increase their success.

Unfortunately create course in the LMS Moodle does not provide the full results for its preparation requires daily work both sides: students and author of the course instructor. Such a system requires training and dissemination attracting an increasing number of people. Accept no content perfectly lined course if no one uses and the other students desire to know and learn something disappear, if they cannot understand and find information.

To improve communication and implementation of these proposals should periodically collective discussion, seminars. Thus, it is possible to spread new techniques and reach a joint decision. Nowadays innovative technology at every step and it is advisable to use. Small steps to improve the educational process will bring results. It is necessary only to join forces, make our system better, and open to all. Of course, it takes time, material support and resources. In addition, investment in education is always justified. 

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