: 80-88
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyzes the Ukrainian experience of using media mystification in the content of all-Ukrainian TV channels. An actual problem is the use of the genre of hoax in the content of all-Ukrainian TV channels, with the help of which journalists demonstrate fake news or fabricated programs on television as real in the country and abroad. The scientific approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of "media mystification" are analyzed.

It was determined that a significant number of researchers emphasize that one of the main signs of a hoax is plausibility, which is characterized as a criterion of its quality, since an effective media hoax will be considered in the case when there is the highest level of plausibility.

It was found that media mystification is aimed at showing the viewer a fragment of reality, and in its truthfulness, so that suspicions do not arise.

It was determined that at present, there are commonly used techniques of hoaxing that are used on Ukrainian television: filming "from the first person", the effect of a shaky camera, unpopular actors or unknown representatives of authorities,

To create good and positive stories, hoaxers began to stretch the truth, emphasize the most sensational corners of their stories, invent more interesting details, and exaggerate until some stories became fiction.

As part of our research, attention is focused on satirical fake news, which is aimed at creating motivational attitudes towards self-reflective analysis of news media content. Satirical fake media do not strive for hidden propaganda, do not try to hide their goals and deceive, misinform, manipulate public opinion, do not create an illusion of reality, do not endow authors with the masks of fair, objective journalists, but on the contrary, recognize the fictionality of the described events and phenomena, as an example, we can cite the following entertainment programs: "95-quarter", "Diesel Show", etc.

In addition, due to the fact that, in addition to the use of mystification through the use of satire, the main purpose of media mystification is also material enrichment. As you know, modern mass media strive not only to fulfill their high social mission, but also to bring profit to the editorial office and the owner of the information resource.

For example, the following hoaxes were noted on Ukrainian TV channels: the growth of digital indicators: 90% in Ukraine live beyond the poverty line (demonstrating the level of enrichment of the population by including audio and video materials); summarizing digital metrics: medical reform has paid off. Over the past year, the number of patients in medical institutions has decreased by three times, and therefore, the population of Ukraine has become twice as healthy (the journalist expresses his opinion and offers actors to play an appropriate role to confirm this information), etc.

Conclusions were made that media mystification is the creation and consolidation of a fictitious story or event in the information field, which is supported by a list of plausible facts that act as a vivid informational reason for mass media for a long time in order to achieve a socially significant result.

And the purpose of media mystification can be self-interested, that is, to contribute to material enrichment, propagandistic, which promotes the spread of relevant ideas, and entertaining, for example, a joke for the purpose of gaining popularity.


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