Problems of the Intellectual Property Richgs Protection in the Media

: pp. 256 - 271
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The paper examines the main types of intellectual property rights, which might be violated in the media space (Internet, radio, TV, press).
In today’s world, the media has long been a major source of information. As the amount of information in the media increases, so does the amount of intellectual property involved. The most fundamental form of intellectual property protection technology is the control of access to information (ie determining whether the requester is allowed access to information).
However, the existing access control offers only part of what is needed to work with intellectual property. So, it is not always protected at the legislative level, and the context in which it is used often does not benefit the owner. The intellectual property right infringement requires deep analyzes of the current situation, exploring and offering concrete solutions for each particular kind of infringements.
Thus, the aim of the work is to study, analyze and identify problems of infringement of intellectual property rights in the media space, ways to prevent and combat them.
The ways of offenses prevention are widely describe in the paper. Possible infringements of intellectual property objects on the Internet, on television and radio are analyzed in the paper; the legislative basis for protection of intellectual property rights and statistics in cyber attacks in 2020 in the world are deeply analyzed. The methods of protection of intellectual property rights of various types, including, such as coding of websites, a watermark and others are ofefred.
The activity plan based on process of registration of the intellectual property right and solution of problems with infringers are investigated and offered in the paper.
The importance of media impact in the sphere of intellectual property is described on the example of presidential campaign in USA.
Recommendations for: identifying the need to protect intellectual property, improvement of existing administrative measures for the development and protection of intellectual property are investigated in the paper and are of practical value.

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