This article raised the issue of the influence of psychological triggers in traditional and new media on their recipients, particularized their peculiarities, types, and disclosed the scheme of resistance to the influence of the mass media triggers for the first time in journalism.
Manipulative mass media use emotional stereotypes as psychological triggers that automatically cause the reaction which was foreseen by manipulators: alarm, fear, panic.
Hidden psychological influence on masses of TV viewers, radio listeners, readers of the press starts with the lexical level, with the words-stereotypes.
The author shows how for the false accusations of Ukrainians in fascism Russian mass media use the word-stereotype “fascists”, evoking the emotional response of the audience: the willingness of people, who were affected by trigger “fascists”, to kill others.
The article reveals the peculiarities of psychological triggers: instant, automatic action, the absence of awareness of the person of their influence, the dependence on the inner world of the person, his values: universal, national, ethnic, religious, personal.
The author shows that strong beliefs, universal, state, family values as principles, guidelines, intelligent notion about the influence of psychological triggers help any person to understand the hidden goal, the heart of the media manipulations, the intrusion of negative emotions, and to keep its stand, behaviour.
The article differentiates psychological triggers into types according to various criteria; it also discloses methods of resistance to the influence of the mass media triggers.
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