The article discovers the results of studying the conceptual framework of applying mediation in the context of foreign economic contracts implementation. The approaches to defining the ‘mediation’ concept have been outlined. The features and advantages of mediation in Ukraine are determined. It has been substantiated that mediation is an effective and rather popular way in Ukraine for resolving conflict situations and economic disputes among business entities. The relevance and usefulness of mediation, the need to consolidate it in a specific legislative act is evidenced by its advantages, goals and objectives. The main principles of mediation are highlighted and systematized as follows: informativeness, voluntariness, discretion, structuredness, competence, equality of rights of the parties to mediation, efficiency, independence, focus on results, impartiality of the mediator, confidentiality, individual approach, creativity, neutrality. There has been formed a complex typology of mediation types on the basis of a set of characteristic features: the purpose of the mediation procedure; the operating environment; the way of interaction of the mediation procedure with judicial proceedings; the degree of obligation; the criterion of payment for the mediator’s services; the subject who initiates the mediation process; the number of mediators; the mediation technology; communication of the mediator with the parties; the nature of the conduct. The main functions of mediation are characterized, namely: creative, diagnostic, organizational, informational, expert, ethical, constructive. A technology for mediation in the implementation of foreign economic contracts has been constructed, which involves the following stages: pre-mediation, preparatory stage, collection of information and identification of topics for discussion, search and assessment of solution options, execution of agreements, postmediation. The introduction of the institution of mediation in Ukraine substantively links the modern development of the legal system of Ukraine with the European legal systems, values and development priorities of the modern civilized world. The paper argues for the need to develop a legal framework that will ensure the effective functioning of mediator organizations, the implementation of the functions of ensuring the mediators’ proper professional training, ensuring the mechanisms of mediators’ responsibility, as well as protecting the rights and interests of mediation parties and third parties.
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