The Market of Non-food Products in Ukraine: Development Trends in the Crisis Conditions

: pp. 212 - 220
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Marketing and Logistics

The article examines Ukraine non-food market development state and trends in modern conditions. Market development modern conditions are: further globalization and development spread of information and communication technologies. Individualization of consumer needs and overcoming the consequences of global financial crises. There is also a need to adapt the supply of retail networks to the purchasing power constraints caused by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. And there is also problem of streamlining consumer behavior and strengthening their consumer criticism, and so on.

It is established that domestic trade is characterized by trends of dynamic growth on the basis of: business activity, number of business entities, leading positions in terms of income, employment and investment.

Concentration and specialization processes in retail trade have led to trade networks development in Ukraine. This has led to the individual consumer needs marketing research, results of which are presented in the paper. The study object was the retail chain of non-food products “Kopiyochka”. According to the study, the target buyer of the retail network are women aged 26-45 with low or below average income, who lead a dynamic and measured lifestyle. The vast majority of buyers are conservatives at a choice of trade mark. In modern business conditions, due to the pandemic spread, consumers approaches to the choice of changing communication channel, where personal communication with the buyer through messengers and SMS becomes dominant (due to the declining purchasing power of certain non-food market segments).

Other trends in the development of non-food retail chains are: the transition to e-commerce; with the pandemic, networks are beginning to focus on the security and convenience of offline commerce; there is a rethinking of the business model and the transition to aggressive methods of competition; the networks themselves increase the share of their own brands.

Changing the business model should provide adequate funding and the willingness of networks to restructure the usual trading processes to maintain a sufficient level of sales. Networks should not only increase the number of communication channels and create an additional online platform for trade, but also competently position their own business, including offering their own brands at lower prices and proper logistics service.

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