In a market economy, there are a significant number of shipping companies that compete with each other and fight for maximum profits in a highly competitive environment. Competitive advantages lie in the plane of organization of the fleet, which relate mainly to the management of shipping companies. Operators of shipping companies establish tactical and strategic cooperation with freight forwarders and other participants in the logistics chain for the successful implementation of business processes and subprocesses.
The study of the water transport of Ukraine from 2002 to 2020 revealed that in this period there were significant structural changes in freight turnover and traffic, which indicates the presence of serious systemic problems in management. If current trends continue, the national economy may lose such a strategically important sector. The shortcomings in the field of international maritime transport are caused, among other things, by inefficient management of business processes of Ukrainian shipping companies.
The business process of a shipping company is a set of interdependent tasks and works aimed at creating a product or service to meet the needs of their customers. The business processes of shipping companies are due to the characteristics of staff and the processes of international trade. Thus, the personnel of shipping companies, concentrated in the operational units, provide a range of services that ensure the movement of goods and passengers with the required level of quality. The complex of such services is described by many business processes and represents the main processes of the shipping company.
Improving the business processes of these companies must be viewed through the prism of the field of logistics, the main factors in the development of which are staff and international trade trends. Research and study of international experience in the field of business process management and its implementation in the activities of shipping companies of Ukraine to some extent will improve the declining trends in freight traffic and water transport, which have been observed in recent years.
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