The study focuses on the ambiguity of management decisions in conditions of economic competition and quarantine restrictions. It is concluded that in the field of freight transportation there are antagonistic interests of the environment in the process of making management decisions by managers of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”. The classification of information situations related to the uncertainty of the environment is used, according to which the fifth information situation most closely corresponds to the current situation in the market of transport services. The choice of the fifth information situation is due to the factors caused by the government’s decisions to impose quarantine restrictions. Most of these factors have had a negative impact on the expectations of businesses in general and cargo owners in particular.
The state of economic competition in the field of freight transportation was studied by analyzing the structure of goods by different modes of transport for January-November 2019-2020, indicating the absence of significant changes or restrictions on freight traffic. Thus, quarantine restrictions did not cause irreparable damage to the railway industry directly, but they indirectly affected a number of indicators.
Analysis of economic competition, level of uncertainty, degree of ambivalence of government decisions and structural and dynamic analysis of the market of transport services in January-November 2019-2020, allowed creating a methodology that ensures the validity of management decisions in economic competition and ambivalence of government actions.
It consists of 6 stages: formulation of the purpose; formation of the corresponding information base; formation of an expert group; direct survey; selection of the most promising solutions for stabilizing the situation in the field of rail freight; assessment of the homogeneity of the expert group. The application of this technique gives railway companies additional competitive advantages, even in conditions of growing uncertainty and risk.
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