Modern technologies of automation of warehouse activities of enterprises

: pp. 70 - 78
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of new technologies in warehouses; the essence of the “distribution channel” is considered through the analysis of the definitions of this term by various authors; the difference between the supply channel, the goods movement channel and the distribution channel was analyzed; the main changes and problems in the field of distribution over the past few years have been identified; describes the most innovative technologies for digitalization of warehouses.

The results of the study showed that the implementation of the latest technologies in warehouses will ensure the coordinated and fast work of all its links. Thus, the new blockchain technology guarantees the sovereignty and protection of data transmission between the user and the company, as well as avoiding the reuse of certificates of origin through real-time tracking of goods. It is guaranteed through cryptography, visibility and data usage, as well as ensuring equal access to all network participants. This technology provides protection and, at the same time, openness of enterprise data, which in turn will help prevent unfair competition in the industry.

The Pick by Voice technology will help to significantly increase the efficiency of warehouse workers, because the operator does not waste time reading, has free hands and is not distracted by related operations.

The implementation of Radio Frequency Identification will help enterprises to maximally systematize information about the product itself, which in turn will improve and speed up work with both suppliers and customers.

Also, the introduction of robotics in warehouses will ensure the minimization of the human factor at the workplace and the reduction of employee salary costs.

In general, the advantages of implementing these technologies significantly exceed the disadvantages or risks. The main advantage is the smooth operation of the warehouse, reduction of production maintenance costs, systematized information and tracking of goods. The disadvantages are the costs of implementing these projections, which are quite expensive.

Therefore, the development of online business and the reduction of delivery times to the shortest terms have started a trend towards automation of even small warehouses. In turn, warehouses with huge flows of goods need large-scale systematization of all processes, which is possible only with the use of the latest warehousing technologies.

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