foreign economic activity

Features of using documentary forms of international settlement in Ukraine

The peculiarities of the use of documentary forms of international settlements by economic entities of Ukraine are analyzed, in particular, advantages and disadvantages, requirements for the use of documentary forms of international settlements, as well as the main directions of innovative approaches to improving their application. The prospects for the development of documentary forms of international settlements in Ukraine are outlined. The stages of decision-making regarding the use of a documentary letter of credit in the implementation of an export operation have been developed.

Assessment of the Impact of the Risks of Foreign Economic Activities

Risk is an integral part of the economic activity of any organizations that operate on the market in conditions of competition under the influence of external and internal environments. The word risk is often synonymous with loss, failure, which leads to negative consequences. However, no matter how many scientific or practical works are devoted to this issue, it will continue to be relevant, as the world becomes more changeable and threats have become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, assessing the impact of risks is an important component of management activities.

Problems of Selection and Implementation of Competitiveness Strategies in the Context of Ensuring the Development AT UA.Consultyng LLC in European Markets

The article examines and studies the essence of competitiveness and the choice of an effective competitive strategy in various literary sources, scientific studies, and current regulations. According to the literature, all authors emphasize that for an enterprise to operate effectively in a competitive industry, it is necessary to have its own competitiveness strategy, which is formed as an action plan for obtaining a sustainable competitive position.

Assessment of the efficiency of foreign economic activity (on the example of “Mohyliv-Podilskyi canning plant”

For Ukrainian enterprises today – in the conditions of war – activation of foreign trade and strengthening of its effectiveness are critically important tasks.

Implementation of foreign economic activity by enterprises is a complex process that requires not only a significant amount of resources, but also a competent approach to evaluating its effectiveness. Comparing the achieved results with previous periods or competitors allows to determine the current level of efficiency of such activity and to make the necessary changes to the company’s strategy.

Value-target management of foreign economic activity of the enterprise: model and problems of application

The article is devoted to the study of the features of the application of the value-target model in the management of the enterprise’s foreign economic activity. The authors study the model of value-target management of foreign economic activity, its constituent elements, as well as key aspects of application in the practical activity of the enterprise.

Lean management un the context of economic growth and development

Economic growth planning plays an important role because it ensures the efficient operation of the company, and efficient operations cannot be carried out without reducing production costs. That is why it is expedient to implement a system of planning of lean management for the purpose of economic growth in the context of the introduction of new types of foreign economic activity. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to develop measures for planning economic growth at the enterprise in the context of introduction of new types of foreign economic activity.

Features of Cargoes Customs Clearance Under the “Customs Warehouse” Regime

The essence and features of the customs regime “customs warehouse” in modern conditions of foreign economic activity are investigated. The sequence of stages of customs clearance of goods in the customs regime “customs warehouse” is clarified. The problems of “customs warehouses” and the peculiarities of placing goods in the customs warehouse, as well as the peculiarities of storage of goods, the permissible terms of their storage and the list of necessary documentation are analyzed.

Diversification of Foreign Economic Activities of Domestic Carpet Market Enterprises

At the present stage of dynamic development of the world economy, active processes of interpenetration of technologies and capital, expansion of economic relations, economic entities are increasingly faced with various socio-economic challenges. In view of this, the role of foreign economic activity is increasing not only for economic entities, but also for the country as a whole, since all systemic transformations of the economy affect the characteristic features of the development of the specified sphere of activity.

Quality standards conformity assessment in the European Union

The article is dedicated to the topical issue of the realization of the European quality standards conformity assessment procedure, which is undergoing an active transition in connection with the harmonization of the domestic system of standards. In particular, the need to pass conformity assessment in a foreign certification center is considered in order to obtain further opportunities for placing products on the EU markets.

Theoretical and applied aspects of budgeting of foreign economic activity of enterprises in conditions of Ukraine’s European Integration

The actuality of research is caused by the necessity of implementation and realization of budgeting of foreign economic activity at the domestic enterprises in conditions of Ukraine’s European integration.