The professional development of employees is an integral part of the organization's personnel man- agement, since the effectiveness and efficiency of its activities significantly depend on the level of profes- sional training of personnel in the conditions of the modern economy. Employees increasingly have to combine a wide variety of functions in their work, perform many different professional tasks, process large amounts of information, etc. Therefore, the proper choice of the form of professional development, which would meet the demands and capabilities of the company, as well as the employee himself, is an important task of the management. However, despite this, the question of which tools to use for the effec- tive selection of acceptable forms is still unclear.
The article considers different approaches to the essence of the interpretation of the concept of "professional development". Various forms of professional development of employees are characterized, the importance of choosing a specific form for the development of the company and the problems that arise in this case are indicated. The stages of choosing forms of professional development for employees of the foreign economic division have been developed and the use of the TOPSIS methodology for choosing the optimal form of professional development of an employee on the example of a specific enterprise is clearly presented. The research was conducted on the basis of State Enterprise "X". According to the TOPSIS methodology, the chosen option, namely self-education and mentoring, cannot be considered the best forms of professional growth for employees of the foreign economic division, but only acceptable for the organization. According to the TOPSIS methodology, the option that receives 1 point is considered the best.
According to the results of our research, it can be noted that the choice of forms of professional development of an employee, especially those working in the field of foreign economic activity, is an im- portant issue for companies that seek not only to maintain their positions in the foreign market, but also to expand their activities abroad. Therefore, the stages of selection of forms proposed by us and a visual presentation of the use of the TOPSIS methodology will enable domestic enterprises to more effectively solve this task, taking into account financial capabilities, the needs of employees, their abilities about pro- fessions, the needs of companies, etc.
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