Specifics of Big Data Market Development for the Needs of Ukrainian Economic Recovery in the Post-war Period

: pp. 244 - 256
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Marketing and Logistics

This article analyses the characteristics and prospects of the global big data market, and identifies the sources of data leakage in the global big data market. A study of the peculiarities of the development of the big data market in Ukraine in the economic context before and during the war was conducted, which revealed the influence of international institutions in the fight against cyber-attacks in the context of disturbances.

The directions of adaptation of the Ukrainian cyberspace to functioning in the conditions of war are identified, and recommendations are made on the directions of implementation of Big Data technologies in the post-war period for the needs of economic growth. The results of the study of the big data market are summarized. Recommendations on the directions of implementation of big data technologies in the post-war period for the needs of economic growth are given.

The purpose of the study is to research and analyse trends, development prospects and threats to the big data market at the global level and at the level of the Ukrainian economy during military operations; to develop recommendations on economic directions to implement the protection of personal data in the context of disruptive factors.

The results of the study show that the big data market in Ukraine is operating in a disruptive environment, but this does not prevent its development for the benefit of Ukraine's infrastructure and economy. The biggest threat to this infrastructure is cyber-attacks from the Russian Federation. The aim of these actions is to steal data in order to manipulate it and to destabilise the Ukrainian population and its government institutions.

The perspectives for further research are the development of strategies for the implementation of big data technologies for the development of Ukraine and the economy in the post-war era.

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