Modern approaches to the strategic management of human resources at the enterprise

: pp. 49 - 57
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Foreign Trade and Customs

The article examines the essence of strategic management of human resources at the enterprise, carries out a theoretical generalization of key concepts and provisions, analyzes the key tasks, methods and functions of strategic management of human resources.

Human resources are an important strategic asset of the enterprise, for which new management methods must be found in order to ensure the effectiveness of work in the long term. Under such conditions, the study of the possibilities of strategic management of the company’s human resources, which will ensure the competitiveness and viability of a specific organization, becomes relevant.

The modern concept of human resources management of the enterprise should be strategic, that is, its main goal should be the effective use of the labor potential of the enterprise, adequate to the conditions of the external and internal environments, in order to achieve success in the long term. It has been established that in the process of human resources management it is customary to distinguish three approaches: economic, organizational and humanistic. The main tasks of strategic management of human resources are studied, including the improvement of personnel policy, the use and development of human resources, the selection and implementation of the style of management of labor resources, the organization of horizontal coordination and cooperation, the improvement of the organization of workplaces and working conditions, recognition of personal achievements at work, and stimulation.

The effectiveness of the strategic management of the company’s human resources lies in the ability of managers of all levels to interact for the effective functioning of the organization.

The technology of human resource management based on high involvement (HIHRM – high involvement approach to HRM or HIHRM) is researched – it is a policy and procedures aimed at involving employees in making management decisions, as well as providing employees with skills and independence. The recommended process of implementing the technology of human resources management based on the high involvement of HIHRM at the enterprise is proposed.

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