Globalization and integration processes specify the objectivity of coordinating actions in the implementation of certain international processes, joining efforts in solving the problems facing humanity, ensuring economic growth on an intensive basis. In such conditions, the main role in the formation of effective business processes and the production of competitive products is played by the development and implementation of innovations. The formation of innovative potential and the development of international innovative activity directly depend on the successfully developed policy of the states to promote the development and spread of innovations. Joining the efforts of countries, especially those integrated in the field of innovation, plays a particularly important role in solving modern problems of an international scale, caused by the challenges of Industry 5.0, focused on environmental, social and economic factors of managerial influence on international innovation processes. That is, the study of approaches to the formation of international innovation policy meets the requirements of the time, is relevant and necessary.
The purpose of the article is to study approaches to the formation of international innovation policy and to develop proposals for improving the strategic management of international innovative activity. The task of the article is to study the essence, purpose and conceptual foundations of the formation of international innovation policy at all levels of its organization.
The article defines the concept of "international innovation policy" and its role in promoting the development of international cooperation in the field of science and technology, increasing international innovative activity to ensure competitiveness and development of economic systems at various organizational levels. Conceptual basics of formation and structural components of international innovation policy are defined. A conceptual model of international innovation policy has been developed, which includes elements of global, international, national, entrepreneurial and interpersonal integration and competition. The constituent components of the corporate innovation policy were formed and a model of the sequence of formation of innovative products was developed. The relevance of the formation of an anthropological innovation policy (nanolevel) is substantiated, which will allow to study the general patterns of the relationship between man and the natural environment, the influence of socio-economic and environmental factors on the functioning of the human body, to carry out purposeful management of human health, its reproduction and restoration, and the formation of relevant innovations.
It is advisable to direct further research to the study of the problems of international innovation policy formation caused by the challenges of Industry 5.0, oriented to ESG-activity (environment, social sphere and management), that is, to the environmental, social and economic factors of managerial influence on international innovation processes.
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