Transmission and perception of information are based on property of matter — reflection. Reflection is objective material process as a result of which system “A” interacting with system “B” reflects its image by change of the properties or acquires the new properties connected to closeness of system “B”. Therefore, the content of reflection is defined by features of the displayed system “B”, and the form of reflection — change of properties of the perceiving system “A”.
Thus — information represents the internal content of process of reflection of one material objects in the form of change of properties of other objects.
Information transfer is best of all estimated by development of the communications industry which is characterized by four features.
The first feature is defined by specifics of the created product, namely — absence in case of information transfer of the material carriers of production.
The second feature of communication is tightly connected to the first, is defined by the fact that implementation process of communication services and their consuming is not time- shared. Taking into account this feature the end result of production activity of branch — the service, cannot be in reserve, for example, in a warehouse.
The third feature is that in the production process of the communications industry, information as an object of the labor, shall be subject only to spatial relocation, that is change of its location.
The fourth feature is that information transfer process always is double-sided, that is occurs between the sender and the receiver of information.
At the same time information becomes the major national resource which distinctive feature is that it not only does not decrease, and, on the contrary, — increases (generally in case
of a data interchange), is qualitatively enhanced and at the same time promotes the most rational use of all other types of information resources. In the course of spatial relocation it is very important to pack bigger amount of information in each code word, that is to increase an entropy.
In operation the synthesis algorithm of code words in the binary channel with the entropy exceeding duration of signal construction in tens of times is offered.
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