
Використання MVC для створення соціальної мережі ветеринарних клінік

Досліджується популярна у Веб-програмуванні концепція MVC (Model View Controller) в аспекті застосування її для побудови соціальної мережі ветеринарних клінік. Соціальна мережа ветеринарних клінік характеризується великим масивом та постійним поповненням інформації про нових клієнтів та їхніх домашніх улюбленців, а також різноманітними медичними даними від ветеринарів, такими як: результати аналізів тварини та її історія хвороби.

Features of Development and Analysis of REST Systems

The paper analyzes and presents the architecture of REST systems construction. What is the REST API and why it should be used? It describes the basic principles for what the system could be called Restful. Examples of REST-like systems, their comparison, advantages, and disadvantages of REST, and why this particular architecture was chosen, have been given. It aims at which technologies can be used for the REST system, etc.

Smart Information Board Based on PSOC 6 MCU

Nowadays, the development of electronics and related technologies is very fast. An extremely significant role in the life of moder society is took by information output devices, the development and modernization of which is an urgent task. Using the idea regarding wireless control of remote devices, an information board with remote control was developed. This article provides a reader with the development of universal information board which customers will be able to assemble for the dimensions that they need.

Establishment of a Facing Recognition System for Video Observation

In the article were researched the principles of building systems for observation and recognition of objects. Also we have given the classification of human faces recognition methods. Authors have analized the features of operetion for the progressive calibration network (PCN) for human face recognition. And finally has been created and tested the developed face recognition algorithm as the realized software system.


The introduction of strict quarantine in many countries has raised the issue of workers' organization and the number of personnel needed. In this connection, the question of transferring some office workers to remote work or using freelancer`s labor has become actual. Accordingly, it is possible to predict the growth of demand at the freelance market and the change of the conjuncture of this market, which will significantly affect the activity of the domestic enterprises in the nearest future.

Principles of construction a user interface for cyberphysical system

This article discusses a principles and recommendations for developing user interfaces from cyberphysical system. The methods of interaction in cyberphysical system with web-services and database are presented for their effective use. The cyberphysical system user interface is implemented as a webservice. This article discusses the principles and recommendations for developing user interfaces for the cyberphysical system. The methods of interaction the cyberphysical system with web services are presented, for their effective use.

Technology relationship billing system bank’s customers-partners

The realities of today indicate that the banking market is characterized by fierce competition due to globalization of the economy, the rapid development of information technologies, and improvement of business processes. This is reflected in the problems of increase of management efficiency tad asana high results of activity of banks, ensure their competitiveness.

Means of units verify the reliability of communication network systems cyber physical

Analyzed the principles of building communication networks. The advantages and disadvantages of existing today means implementing diagnostic environments. A reliable means of verification nodes in a communication network cyber physics system.

Принципи побудови геоінформаційної системи пошуку людей

 In the article the Geographic Information System (GIS) finding people through which a user of this service has the ability to find the person who is next to him on the map and start communication. An embodiment of a geographic information system finding people. Described opportunities instrumental GIS and client-server technology and geographic information systems zapoponovanyy algorithm finding people. The algorithm representation statement using markers, which are located on the map. The analysis GIS software client that can be used launch applications on remote servers or workplace.