

This article presents the results of studies of the structure of the emulsion formed in the wastewater of edible oil production. The process of refining edible oils produces stable emulsions that are released into wastewater and pose a threat to the hydrosphere.  The main pollutants in these wastewaters are organic substances, mainly of a fatty nature, which existing wastewater treatment plants are unable to treat to the level of sanitary requirements. This creates a significant environmental problem as it causes pollution of surface waters with organic substances.

C9 Fraction inverse emulsion oligomerization conditions and characteristics of petroleum resins correlation

It has been studied the production of petroleum resins by low-temperature inverse emulsion oligomerization of C9 fraction of diesel fuel pyrolysis liquid by-products. It is established that the determining factors of the C9 fraction of the inverse emulsion oligomerization are the following: reaction time, emulsifier concentration and phase ratio.  Yield and physicochemical characteristics of oligomers сorrelations were established.

Slurry Surfacing Mixes on the Basis of Bitumen Modified with Phenol-Cresol-Formaldehyde Resin

Slow-breaking monophase cationic bitumen emulsions have been produced on the basis of bitumen modified with phenol-cresol-formaldehyde resin (PhCR-F). Bitumen emulsions were used as a binder for thin-layer coatings with slurry surfacing mixes (SSM). Physical and technical parameters of modified and unmodified emulsions were determined and analyzed. The optimal compositions of SSM were selected according to the breaking criterion. The values of SSM wet track abrasion were determined.

Obtaining of Coumarone-Indene Resins based on Light Fraction of Coal Tar. 5. Emulsions on the Basis of Bitumen Modified by Coumarone-Indene Resins with Epoxy Groups

The road slow-setting monophase cationic bitumen emulsions have been prepared from bitumen modified by coumarone-indene resin with epoxy groups. Еmulsions were obtained using a colloid mill at the standard temperatures (413–423 K). The physico-technical parameters of modified monophase emulsions have been established and the comparative analysis with the basе sample has been made.


In this article the cationic bitumen emulsions are characterized – as popular binder for various road emulsions. There are considered the specific features of cationic bitumen road emulsions’ formulations. There are presented the functions and specificities of the acids application in cationic bitumen road emulsions. The literary review is presented on potentialities of ortho-phosphoric acids application instead of the traditional hydrochloric acid.

Emulsion oligomerization of С9 fraction of oil refining by-products initiated by potassium persulfate

Hydrocarbon  resins (oligomers) are produced on the basis of fraction C9 of oil refining by-products. The low-temperature emulsion oligomerization can reduce the temperature and duration of the process compared to the existing technologies.

Коолігомеризація в емульсії вуглеводнів фракції с9 з використанням персульфату калію

 The synthesis of cooligomers by cooligomerization in the emulsion of hydrocarbon C9 fraction of liquid pyrolysis products is described. The major features of the cooligomerization of a mixture of unsaturated hydrocarbons of C9 fraction have been investigated and optimum process conditions have been selected. Одержано коолігомери за допомогою коолігомеризації в емульсії вуглеводневої фракції С9 рідких продуктів піролізу. Встановлено основні закономірності та вибрано оптимальні умови процесу коолігомеризації суміші ненасичених вуглеводнів фракції С9. 

Дослідження емульсійної коолігомеризації ненасичених вуглеводнів фракції с9 в різних дисперсійних середовищах

The investigated influence  of surface tension on the process of emulsion cooligomerization. The synthesis of cooligomers by emulsion cooligomerization of hydrocarbon fraction C9 of liquid products of pyrolysis. The major features of the cooligomerization process of  mixture of unsaturated hydrocarbons of fraction C9 have been investigated and optimum conditions have been selected.