polyvinyl alcohol

Poly(Vinyl Chloride)-Polystyrene Materials with Polymer-Silicate Fillers

The features of obtaining and modifying Ba- and Zn-containing polymer-silicate fillers have been researched. The influence of polystyrene modifiers (suspension and impact-resistant polystyrene) and finely dispersed Ba- and Zn-containing polymer-silicate fillers on the gelation process, view of flow curves, rheological properties: flow index, flow limit, thermal stability, surface hardness and elasticity of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) have been discovered.


The methods of obtaining structured and water-soluble nanocomposite films based on polyvinyl alcohol and intercalated montmorillonite are presented in the paper. The structure and thermophysical characteristics of the obtained films were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that the modification of polyvinyl alcohol by intercalated montmorillonite reduces the degree of crystallinity of the obtained nanocomposites but significantly increases their heat resistance.


Cross-linked polymer films based on polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylamide have been prepared via radical cross-linking initiated by peroxide containing reactive copolymers. The influence of temperature, nature and concentration of cross-linking agents onto gel-fraction value and properties of polymer films has been studied. Obtained cross-linked polymer films are characterized by improved physico-mechanical properties that depend on the content of peroxide containing copolymer and on the presence of additional cross-linking agent.

Synthesis and Characterization of Indigenous Hydrophilized Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane for Drinking Water Purification: Experimental Study and Modeling Aspects

Indigenous polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane was hydrophilized by blending with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) which was further cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and tested for surface water purification. Synthesized membranes were characterized by SEM and FTIR to study the surface and cross-sectional morphologies and intermolecular interactions, respectively. The effect of parameters, namely feed pressure, operational time, and the cross-linking agent concentration on the process efficiency was studied.

Influence of metal-containing polymer-silicate filler on the technological properties of polypropylene

The influence of Ni-containing polymer-silicate filler on the technological properties of polypropylene is presented. It was found that the introduction of silicate fillers modified by polyvinyl alcohol change the flow patterns of polypropylene melts, in particular viscosity increases and anomalous viscosity shifts. The change of thermomechanical curves of polypropylene under the action of modified silicate fillers is shown.

Surface characteristics of materials based on sodium liquid glass modified by polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone

The physicochemical properties of surface of the metal-containing polymer-silicate composites, which have been obtained due to compatible precipitation of water-soluble polymers and silicates under the influence of metal chlorides, such as specific surface area, the number of active centers, moisture absorption, sorption ability were studied.

Вплив низькомолекулярних додатків на властивості клеїв на основі полівінілового спирту

The results of the impact experimental studies of low molecular applications on the technological properties and frost-resistance compositions based on polyvinyl alcohol are reflected. Подано результати експериментальних досліджень впливу низькомолекулярних додатків на технологічні властивості та морозостійкість клейових композицій на основі полівінілового спирту. 

Dehydration Pervaporation of Ethyl Acetate-Water Mixture via Sago/PVA Composite Membranes Using Surface Methodology

In the present study hydrophilic sago/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) blend membranes were used for pervaporation of ethyl acetate-water mixture. The effects of feed concentration, temperature and permeate pressure on the separation factor and permeation flux were studied by using response surface methodology (RSM). The central composite design (CCD) was used to design the experiment and analyze pervaporation performance of homogenous sago/PVA membranes and also to obtain process optimum conditions.

Regularities of Obtaining, Morphology and Properties of Metal-Containing Polymer-Silicate Materials and Polyester Composites on their Basis

The effect of the kind, concentration and introduction method of polymeric modifiers (polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone), as well as the kind of metal chloride on the physico-chemical regularities of the obtaining process of modified metal-containing polymer-silicate materials, their morphology and properties has been examined. Using instrumental methods of investigations it was established that obtaining of metal-containing polymer-silicate materials was accompanied by intermolecular interactions between active silicate groups and functional groups of a polymeric modifier.