civil servants

Corruption in Ukraine as a result of systemic inefficient state administration

The article analyzes corruption as a result of inefficient public administration in our country. It is noted that it is the state that is obliged to carry out purposeful activities in the fight against corruption at all levels of state power by creating a state-legal mechanism for eradicating corruption, eliminating the prerequisites for its existence through the implementation of a system of preventive measures, both legal and organizational.

Modern tendencies and challenges concerning corporate culture forming under conditions of public administration reforming

The main issues of formation and development of the corporate culture in the framework of the reforming of public administration system are considered. On the basis of the study and analysis of the experiences of other European countries, modern tendencies in public administration science and practice, the best national and international practices, the relevant proposals on further development of the corporate culture are prepared.

Adaptation of civil service personnel

The article reviews theoretical foundations of adaptation of civil servants. The definition of the concept “adaptation” in scientific literature is given as well as the author’s definition of “adaptation of civil servants” is formulated. Basic stages of adaptation are defined and practical recommendations for organizing this process in public authorities are given.

Problems and Prospects of Training Civil Servants in Contemporary Ukrainian Realities

The purpose of the article is to identify the main problems in the basic and advanced training of civil servants. Using a retrospective review and taking into account the current situation, develop a strategic plan for further action to improve the system of training of civil servants. Outline priority areas and forms of advanced training of existing staff and basic training of new civil servants to meet the needs of highly qualified and competitive staff.

Legal protection of professional training of state civil servants of Ukraine

The article reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of administrative law, which regulate the problems related to vocational training of civil servants of Ukraine. The stages of civil service reform and relevant training of civil servants have been analyzed. It is proved that vocational training of civil servants is one of the important directions in the system of staffing  of public administration by highly effective and competent personnel. That professional training is the basis for increasing the efficiency of the state apparatus in Ukraine.

Formation of state personnel policy in law enforcement sector of Ukraine

The article deals with the state personnel policy in law enforcement sector as an important factor of the development of the society and the element of self-regulation of the population life. The author considers the formation of the state personnel policy as a system of public agencies of personnel sphere.