Corruption in Ukraine as a result of systemic inefficient state administration

: 131-135
Popadynets H. “Corruption in Ukraine as a result of systemic inefficient state administration.”

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article analyzes corruption as a result of inefficient public administration in our country. It is noted that it is the state that is obliged to carry out purposeful activities in the fight against corruption at all levels of state power by creating a state-legal mechanism for eradicating corruption, eliminating the prerequisites for its existence through the implementation of a system of preventive measures, both legal and organizational.

It was found that a characteristic feature of corruption is the use by representatives of power structures (officials) of the rights and opportunities they have in accordance with their position, illegally, to the detriment of state interests and for the purpose of personal enrichment.

The principles of successfully overcoming corruption, which will help to build a coherent and consistent anti-corruption policy of the state, should be: purposefulness, consistency, diagnostics, continuity.

It is noted that one of the main directions in the field of corruption prevention is the identification of corruption risks that may arise in the activities of civil servants, as well as the elimination of the conditions and causes of the occurrence of these risks, which are: dishonesty of civil servants; the occurrence of a conflict of interests; insufficient level of control or lack of control on the part of management;availability of discretionary powers. The maximum elimination of corruption risks in the activities of civil servants will eliminate the possibility of them violating the legislation of Ukraine.

Inefficient state administration, the weakening of state and public control, the imperfection of anti-corruption legislation cause tension in society, which is accompanied by a decrease in the spiritual and moral potential of society, with legal nihilism prevailing in it, despair in the inevitability of punishment. An effective fight against corruption is possible only with the use of a system of economic, political, legal and psychological measures of state administration.

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