
Адаптивна фільтрація параметрів руху об‘єкта у горизонтальній площині

Реалізована процедура використання алгоритму класичного фільтра Калмана для оцінки параметрів руху об’єкта, що маневрує. Застосування фільтра Калмана мотивовано необхідністю мінімізувати дисперсію оцінки вектора випадкового процесу. Результати оцінки параметрів руху обробляють згладжуючим алгоритмом Рауч–Тюнга– Штрібеля також з метою мінімізації дисперсії. Алгоритми Калмана та Рауча–Тюнга– Штрібеля можна застосовувати для використання в оцінці параметрів руху автомобіля, повітряного судна, бойового снаряду.

The connection of chemical composition and physical properties in mountain rocks of the Earth's crust and mantle and their dynamic changes under different thermobaric conditions

Determining the physical parameters of geomaterials under high temperature and pressure conditions is necessary in connection with the fundamental issues of geology and geophysics. It is also aimed at solving applied problems, such as establishing relationships between physical parameters and chemical components of rocks under the earthly conditions of temperature and pressure.

Elastic moduli of spodumene crystal at pressures up to 2,0 Gpa

The velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves in the six inequivalent crystallographic directions and also the density for spodumene crystal was studied by ultrasonic impulse method in a modified solid-phase installation of high quasihydrostatic pressure up to 2.0 GPa. For samples of spodumene crystal which are oriented with crystallophysical axes the two velocities of transverse waves was obtained during their propagation along each of directions (for different directions of displacement in the wave).

On peculiarities of average velocity distribution in thrust and underthrust deposits within the Krukenytska subzone of Bilche-Volytska zone

Information about the position, shape, composition of sediments thrusts are also needed to improve the accuracy of structural theories in the interpretation of seismic data. Due to significant differences in the rates Stebnytska (thrust) and the Sarmatian-Badenian (underthrust) deposits is large, with a variable gradient of the horizontal velocity in the medium, and the boundary thrust and underthrust sediments should consider the effect of refracted seismic waves. 

Theoretical Analysis of Granules Movement Hydrodynamics in the Vortex Granulators of Ammonium Nitrate and Carbamide Production

Mathematical calculations for determining the hydrodynamic characteristics of granules movement in the workspace of the vortex granulator, which is the main ultimate process of chemical technology and forms properties of ordinary and porous ammonium nitrate and carbamide, are presented in this paper. Components of a granule velocity and the granulator design impact on them are analytically determined. Comparison of theoretical and experimental studies is performed.