
The relationship of state and public control in the field of health care

Abstract. The scientific article focuses on factors that indicate the relevance of the study of state and public control in the field of health care as an object of legal regulation. Such factors include the unsatisfactory state of health of the population, the observance of human rights in the field of health care, the quality and efficiency of the medical reform, the quality of the provision of medical services, etc. Therefore, the study of the characteristics of the relationship and legal regulation of state and public control in the field of health care is extremely relevant.

Banking control in Ukraine: problems of implementation and adaptation to international standards

The article revealed that the current national legislation of Ukraine, unfortunately, does not have a legally regulated concept of "banking control". Scientific doctrine is multifaceted and contains diametrically different interpretations. Without pretending to the completeness and redundancy of the analysis of existing views on the nature of bank control, we will formulate the author's definition of "bank control". It is established that the domestic banking legislation is based on "Basel I" with the exception of the amendment regarding the inclusion of market risks from 1996.

Legal provisions regarding involvement in private life in criminal procedural law

The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine distinguishes between investigative (investigative) and covert investigative (investigative) actions. It is to covert investigative actions - interference in private communication. Communication is the transmission of information in any form from one person to another directly or through any means of communication. The article is devoted to the problem of defining the concept, content and extent of interference in private life in criminal procedure law.

Improvement of the information security of the management system

The study is aimed at researching ways to improve the information support of the management system using software. The authors determined that automation allows to reduce the time required to perform basic management functions, it is used for calculations and analysis, design, quality control, planning of all operational processes, hiring and accounting of employees, etc. An information system is a combination of technical, software and organizational support, as well as personnel, designed to provide the right people with the right information in a timely manner.

Maintaining the balance of power between the city council and the mayor in the federal state of Brandenburg

The relations of power between the city council and the mayor, and their balancing mechanism are examined. The classification and analysis of the criteria for determining the balance of power, the status and the role of main local self-government bodies in the federal state of Brandenburg, are carried out. The proposals for further improvement of the model of internal relations of local authority in Ukraine are laid down.

Difference between “state control” and “state supervision”: normative-legal aspects

The article analyses main approaches to the definition of content of concepts “state control” and “state supervision” both in the national science of public administration and in legal science, and reveals their interpretation in individual legal acts. The main differences between control and supervision as the components of control function of public administration are identified and basic approaches to their legal interpretation are shown.

Principles of Monitoring and Control of the Network of Charging Stations of Electric Vehicles

This paper explores the principles of construction, monitoring, management, and safety organization in the network of charging stations for electric vehicles. The use of elements of modern client-server technologies and elements of cyber-physical systems in such networks is offered. The basic structure of the cyber-physical control system of the charging station network has been developed. Network server and client tools have been researched and developed. Structural and functional server solutions and client parts are submitted.

Procedural activity of the National police in the implementation of the control and supervision function

The procedural activity of the National Police in the exercise of the supervisory function has been investigated. The theoretical aspects of control and supervision in the context of administrative and procedural activity are considered. The stages of control proceedings, their sequence and content are analyzed. The stage of preparation for carrying out control and supervision measures, the stage of carrying out these measures, the stage of decision making, the stage of reviewing the implementation of the decision are characterized.

Related control and supervision in the activities of the ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of the relation between control and supervision in the activities of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The basic approaches to the definition of the terms «control» and «supervision» in legal science are analyzed.

Improvement of the Quality Management System for the Building Materials Production Enterprises

The article describes the importance of implementing and monitoring a quality management system based on the example of the building materials industry. A concise analysis of the market according to the recent years` indicators was conducted, which highlights the industry importance in the domestic economy. Among the qualitative factors affecting competitiveness, the main tool is the production quality management system.