

The analysis of literature sources on the prospects of cultivation and use of spelt Triticum spelta L. in biotechnological processes is carried out. Today there is considerable interest in spelt. Spelt can be an alternative raw material in alcohol production, so its microflora has been identified. The wort was obtained by thermoenzymatic treatment of grain raw materials. The microflora of spelt and wheat wort was determined.

Vibrocavitation decontamination of brewing yeast-containing wastewater

One of the promising ways to solve the problems of environmental safety is the creation of highly efficient methods of wastewater decontamination and destruction of organic compounds in them. The electromagnetic vibration cavitator was created to treat brewing wastewater. The efficiency of vibrocavitation treatment technology for the food industry was studied. The highest degree of decontamination from biological and organic contaminants was found to be provided by the combined action of vibrocavitation and related processing of gases, nitrogen in particular.

Effect of Nitrogenated Corrosion Inhibitors on the Growth and Ferment Activity of Sulfur Cycle Bacteria

The effect of industrially manufactured corrosion inhibitors (“G”, “K”, “L”, “M”, and “N” inhibitors) on the biological activity of thione (TB) and sulfate reducing (SRB) bacteria and corrosive microbial associations has been studied. SRB sensitivity to all the studied inhibitors has been established. The dynamics of hydrogenase reaction blocking under the action of the studied inhibitors as well as inhibition constants have been determined. Nitrogenated corrosion inhibitors are recommended to be used for protecting the subterranean metal structures from microbial corrosion.