
Foreword to the Ukrainian Translation of George Edward Moore's Article "The Refutation of Idealism"

In the foreword to the first Ukrainian translation of George Edward Moore's article “The Refutation of Idealism”, translators inform about George Edward Moore's life and his academic career, explain the impact of this article on the emergence of the analytical style of philosophizing and the peculiarities of the translation.


This paper presents the design and development of an intelligent air quality monitoring system that utilizes the widely adopted and versatile Arduino Uno microcontroller as its foundational platform. The system underwent comprehensive testing procedures to ensure its adherence to specified requirements. Moreover, a series of experiments were conducted in diverse areas of a residential environment to generate datasets for various air quality indicators.

The international experience of postwar economy development: the lessons for Ukraine

The article is devoted to issues of developing Ukrainian economy after the war. Damage for Ukrainian economy in 2022 after the aggression of the russian federation in 2022 is enormous. Economic consequences of aggression of the russian federation for Ukraine are comparable to consequences for other countries in XX century after the wars. This fact causes the expediency of studying and using experience on the mentioned countries concerning development of their postwar economies.


Information genres as a platform for journalistic research are considered. The development of information genres in modern socio-economic realities is analyzed. It is hypothesized that with the capitalization of journalism, the possibilities of interviews and its varieties are expanded. Both interviews and reporting in modern capitalized media complement each other and help to optimize the presentation of content.

Acquintance and Descriptions in Early Philosophy of Bertrand Russell. (Research Article)

The aim of this article is to offer an analysis of early Russell’s theories of acquaintance and description. He tried to offer a solution to the Meinong’s problem of non-existent entities, and used formal logic to develop a theory of definite descriptions which was related to the epistemological principle of acquaintance. I agree to the view that the historical Russell changed some of his views, but the principle of acquaintance remained “the structural core” in his philosophy.

Analysis of the Enterprise Operating Expenses and Ways of Improvement of Their Accounting

Activities of industrial enterprises are associated with continuous consumption of certain types of resources, so expense accounting plays a crucial role in determining the enterprise efficiency. Accounting procedures occupy a key place in information support system of any enterprise, since the original information on the enterprise activities in the form of financial statements and internal documentation (source documents, journals and ledgers) is essential in order to meet the needs of internal and external users.

Headings of Publications in the Media on the Example of the Newspaper “Denʹ ” and Magazine “Krayina”

The heading in the media plays a special role, as it is not just an element of the material submitted to the publication, but also a reflection of the basic idea of the journalistic text. With the right title you can attract the attention of potential readers, intrigue, interest. However, a poorly written headline to important and interesting information can make the material unnoticed by readers. Thus using manipulative influence on the audience is used with the help of headings, because very often potential recipients make conclusions about the whole publication by the title itself.

Thermoeconomic Model of Air Conditioning System

The mathematical model of the air conditioning system has been developed. It is based on the analysis of thermoeconomic energy efficiency indicators and it is solved in a complex way: by defining the optimal parameters taking into account the non-stationary heat of the tides and by determining the optimal device for optimizing the operating modes of the refrigeration system. When designing an air-conditioning system, a thermoeconomic analysis was made for an object being created.


The article focuses on the current state of the film market, in particular, the main directions of activity of the main cinematographic networks of Ukraine are considered: "Multiplex cinema", "Planet Kino", "Kievkinofilm", "Kinopalats". Their place in the film market of Ukraine is determined. The competitive advantages of private cinemas, namely "Multiplex" and "Planet Cinema", are explored.

Selection of methods for Searching Some or Similar Images

The article describes the research of image analysis methods. The methods of indexing images for the search of duplicate images, as well as methods for finding similar images based on the definition of key points are described. The prototype of the system was created, and testing of the described methods was carried out. The result of the analysis became the basis for the information system project of reverse search of similar or identical images.