: 57-63
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Management of Organizations

The article focuses on the current state of the film market, in particular, the main directions of activity of the main cinematographic networks of Ukraine are considered: "Multiplex cinema", "Planet Kino", "Kievkinofilm", "Kinopalats". Their place in the film market of Ukraine is determined. The competitive advantages of private cinemas, namely "Multiplex" and "Planet Cinema", are explored. The analysis of the Ukrainian market of cinema rental in the period of 2007-2018 has been analyzed and the degree of competition of this market is determined by calculating the Harfindal-Hirschman index. Recommendations on the priority directions of development of the Ukrainian film market have been developed. Today, the film-making market is the economic sector, which in the last decades clearly shows a tendency for positive growth.

Film rental is a powerful mechanism that enables the development and popularization of national cinema and is one of the forms of leisure activities for the population. Unlike in other developed countries of the world, cinematography is not currently a sector of the industry, a cash collection which is one of the main sources of financing for film production. Today, unresolved organizational, economic and legal issues create difficulties in the development of the Ukrainian film market. Enterprises are becoming more and more difficult to carry out their production and economic divisions in the face of growing uncertainty in the business environment. There is a problem of building a system of relations between the market, producers and distributors of films, on the one hand, and consumers of cinema products - on the other. Until now, there is no comprehensive study of the problems of modern cinema distribution and distribution, promising directions of the organization of film activities. The article formulated the directions of development of enterprises of the cinema of the industrial branch.

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