
Scaling Ukrainian business to the European market

Based on the analysis of information sources on business scaling, enterprises were categorized by size and, in turn, by the type of activity of the enterprise. Initially, we analyzed information on Ukraine's cooperation with other countries. The analysis of statistics allows you to identify the countries that show the greatest demand for the products or services that your company produces.

Модель абстрактної підсистеми комп’ютерної інформаційної системи генерування коду

Описано модель створеного розширення функційних унітермів. Наведено синте- зовану модель декомпозиції абстрактної підсистеми комп’ютерної системи генерування програмного коду. Описано побудовані моделі функційних унітермів. Наведено приклад фрагментів програмної реалізації синтезованої моделі абстрактної підсистеми.

Diversification of Foreign Economic Activities of Domestic Carpet Market Enterprises

At the present stage of dynamic development of the world economy, active processes of interpenetration of technologies and capital, expansion of economic relations, economic entities are increasingly faced with various socio-economic challenges. In view of this, the role of foreign economic activity is increasing not only for economic entities, but also for the country as a whole, since all systemic transformations of the economy affect the characteristic features of the development of the specified sphere of activity.

The algorithms of constructing the continued fractions for any rations of the hypergeometric Gaussian functions

An algorithm for constructing recurrence relations of geometric Gaussian functions, in which the displacement of parameters is equal to $0$, $1$ or $-1$, is described. On the basis of such recurrence relations, the expansion for the ratio of Gaussian functions into continued fractions is developed. The obtained continued fractions are the development of the corresponding hypergeometric Gaussian functions in the case when the parameters of the function are integers.

Фізико-механічні властивості модифікованих полегшених тампонажних сумішей

Influence of different functional purpose additives complex on mechanical properties of light-weight plugging mortar was investigated. Prescriptions of expanding light-weight plugging mortars with usage of low reactive lime were made.

Physico-Mechanical Properties of Cements with Application of Barium-Containing Sulfateferrite Clinkers

In the work the results of research the physico-mechanical properties of cements with the use of barium-containing sulfateferrite clinkers and gypsum stone are given. As a result of research of barium-containing sulfateferrite clinkers hydraulic properties it is found out that while concretion they show too fast hardening and low solidity therefore they cannot be used as an independent binder. For the purpose of regulation the hardening terms the influence of the gypsum stone additive was studied.