
About migration of the extreme values of velocities of the crust dilatation in Europe

GNSS has become common practice in determining movements and deformations of the earth crust in the global and regional scale. The results of observations at 147 permanent GNSS-stations located in Europe have been used to calculate the parameters of crust deformation. Using the Delaunay triangulation, our study region was divided into a network of triangles. Calculated velocity of the dilatation are belonging to the centers of the elementary triangle which was divided our study region. Schemes of the dilatations distribution in Europe from 2000 to 2010 have been created.

By the earthquake prediction in areas of earth crust tension on measurements of stations of global navigation systems

Objective. The research objective is to determine relationship between crust tension forces and forces that operate in near-Earth space and earthquakes in entrails of the Earth, based on that was identifying opportunities for short-term earthquake prediction. Methods. Accumulation of earthquakes scores statistical information, their location and display time, as well as moon and sun (own observations, data from literature and Internet-resources) location information. Analysis of obtained data its comparison. Results.