wave field

Wave field simulation on the gas-condensate field structure

The results of seismic wave field modeling on the cross-section model of the crust (for Drobyshivske gas-condensate field example) were presented. Complicated cut of the crust, resulting geophysical study, represented as a reservoir model. When modeling, seismic wave field features of two-dimensional cross section were taken into account: longitudinal, transverse and exchange waves received on seismograms of longitudinal and transverse vibrations as a result of default distribution of velocities of longitudinal, transverse waves and the density in half-space medium.

Wave field simulation using finite element method on the Drobyshivske gas-condensate field structure

The results of seismic wave field modeling on the cross-section model of the crust (for Drobyshivske gascondensate field example) were presented. The cut of the crust which resulting the boreholes geophysical studies is represented as a reservoir model. When modeling, seismic wave field features of two-dimensional cross section were taken into account – longitudinal, transverse and exchange waves received on seismograms of longitudinal and transverse vibrations.

Exterior boundaries of the objects in modeling with finite element method

The problems of wave field modeling with finite element method in unbounded domains and methods to deal with them are analyzed. To obtain optimal solution, using of infinite elements is proposed on the boundaries of the modeled area combined with standard finite-element modeling inside the area. It is important however to choose the shape functions of infinite elements depended on the conditions of wave decay at infinity.

Modeling elastic-dynamic effects of the crust under nuclear power plant (on the example of Chornobyl NPP)

Purpose. The aim of study is to create the method of seismic wave fields modeling for a broad class of vertically and horizontally inhomogeneous layered media. Simulation will make it possible to more precisely assess the characteristics of sedimentary strata in the study of the transmission characteristics of the environment under the engineering structures. Methodology. At modeling in engineering seismology should be used a wide frequency range (from 0 to 200 Hz) to study all possible effects on engineering structures.

Modeling stress-strain state bases of engineering constructions for evaluation of seismic hazard

Purpose. The aim of this work was to evaluate changes in the transfer characteristics of the seismic environment with additional loading of massive engineering structures. This analysis will help to more accurately assess the characteristics of sedimentary layer in the study of the transfer characteristics of environment under the engineering structures already at the design stage of construction. Methodology. Frequency characteristic of environment was obtained by solving the direct dynamic seismic problem.