Motivational aspects of creating innovative start-ups on the platform of higher educational institutions

Received: September 24, 2015
Accepted: September 24, 2015

Nikiforovа L.О.

Vinnytskyi natsionalnyi tekhnichnyi universytet

The article proves that in Ukraine the conditions are created for the formation of start-ups on the platform of universities. It is proved that all participants of start-ups – companies, firms, universities, teachers, students etc. – have a clear motivation. The recommendations are made on the basis of research for legislative consolidation of some elements motivating the innovation process. The methods are obtained for creating and managing start-ups on the platform of Universities at the present stage of Ukrainian economy development. 

Today in Ukraine a number of companies buy foreign technologies, a number of firms and companies buy the components, from which high-tech products are assembled. As a result, they pay to the owners of intellectual property from foreign countries. Thus, today Ukraine is funding the innovative economic development of foreign countries. The current situation in Ukraine can be called “an innovation trap”. It is necessary to change the rules on the market of innovative technologies to go out from this innovation trap. The paper proves that the development and production of innovative products should move to Ukraine; it concerns both production and scientific research. Due to this the necessary conditions will be created for using scientific potential at domestic universities. It will also help to create the basis of start-ups producing innovative ideas needed by business.

This paper analyzes the sources of financing start-ups on a platform of universities, as well as special funds and endowments. It is proved and illustrated by an example that the start-up on the platform of the university is a source of independent funding for University’s special fund or the endowment fund. The features are described for creating and financing innovative start-ups at universities. Motivation of all participants of start-ups is described. The recommendations are elaborated for the improvement of certain elements of the Bill on Innovation, and it is proposed to adopt the legislative responsibility of the actor’s start-up in case of not fulfilling its obligations. In particular, the situation is described, when a start-up created at the university is financed by external sources, i.e. public or private funds.

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