Key role of information technology in providing business process reingeneering

Received: September 24, 2015
Accepted: September 24, 2015

Gvozd M.

Lviv Polytechnic National University Management of Organizations Department

The article shows the relevance of business processes reengineering as modern method of domestic industrial management of enterprises which are operating in specific conditions of economic instability. The concept of business processes reengineering evolution is researched and schematically represented. This evolution reflects the semantic content of management tool and shows the change of key factors at each stage of its theory. The key role of information technology in reengineering theory evolution is described at the present stage of economic development. Using information technologies in methods and management tools expands the range of capabilities in management because market of information technologies offers a wide range of application software that makes it possible to improve the business processes reengineering depending on the financial capacity of the company and the complexity of the tasks.
Opportunities are highlighted that enterprise could achieve within the optimal use of information technology in its activity. The importance of information technology in almost all areas of the company activities are highlighted as information technologies open new opportunities in management as they became a base for emergence of new management tools, X-engineering, for example. X-engineering is a new period in development of theory of engineering and aims at expanding business processes outside the enterprise. In these conditions development of information technologies today gives an opportunity for entrepreneurs to do business in a new way changing design not only of internal business processes, but also external ones, those dealing with the interaction with consumers.

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