
Research of data mining methods for classification of imbalanced data sets

With the rapid development of information technology, which is widely used in all spheres of human life and activity, extremely large amounts of data have been accumulated today. By applying machine learning methods to this data, new practically useful knowledge can be obtained. The main goal of this paper is to study different machine learning methods for solving the classification problem and compare their efficiency and accuracy.

Foreword to the Ukrainian Translation of Isaiah Berlin's Article "The Purpose of Philosophy"

The foreword focuses on the life of Isaiah Berlin, his interests, as well as the article “The Purpose of Philosophy”, which is translated into Ukrainian for the first time. Isaiah Berlin's metaphilosophical reflections on philosophy are important for understanding what is the place of philosophy in the system of sciences, what tasks philosophy can solve. This article also explains the value of philosophy for society and man.

PHILOSOPHICAL HORIZONTS OF VIRTUAL REALITY. Review of: Chalmers, D. (2022). Reality +: Virtual Words and the Problems of Philosophy. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. pp. 503

The review is devoted to the new monograph “Reality +: virtual worlds and problems of philosophy” by the famous philosopher David Chalmers. As can be seen from the title of the book, in it the author examines the philosophical potential of virtual reality for the possible solution of philosophical problems, namely: from ontology (problems of reality and hypotheses about simulation) to values (a good and happy life in virtual reality). 


The article examines the issue of the influence of the European cohesion policy on approaches to the urban environment and assessing its quality. A number of parameters that determine various aspects of urban space transformation in the context of cohesion policy are analyzed. An assessment of the already existing experience of interpreting public areas is given, both from the point of view of functional efficiency and from the point of view of their aesthetic value. Some directions of the cohesion strategy which influence changes in the value perceptions of the urban space are outlined.

Axiological Dimension of the Concept of the Soul in Pamfil Yurkevych’s Philosophical Works (Research Article)

In the article, the author analyses Pamfil Yurkevych’s vision of the interaction between the heart and the reason as well as analyzes his axiosphere, which is absolutely necessary for the development of our country. The author argues that Pamfil Yurkevych is the founder of the axiosphere, which was in compliance with the European Continental Philosophy’s understanding of the being-with-other (Mit-Sein) and it remains also relevant nowadays.


The problem of photovoltaics integration into the building of architectural heritage is in
the zone of compromise between aspects of preservation and long-term use. The quality and
success of such energy modernization are based on the principles of preserving and extending
the term of the utilitarian use of buildings. It is crucial in this situation to determine the key
principles of solar cell integration into buildings that form the historic environment. The


The problem of photovoltaics integration into the building of architectural heritage is in the
zone of compromise between aspects of preservation and long-term use. The quality and success of
such energy modernization are based on the principles of preserving and extending the term of the
utilitarian use of buildings. It is crucial in this situation to determine the key principles of solar cell
integration into buildings that form the historic environment. The constituent values of historic

The problem of definition of “legal values“ in modern scientific discourse

In the article it is found out that legal values are a determining element of legal influence on the society, which have a significant influence on the mechanism of legal regulation. It is determined that the legal values are, first of all, interrelated with the principles of law, justice, law-making and legal implementation; secondly, they are real socio-legal phenomena, remedies and mechanisms. Legal values have a hierarchical structure and their system is based on a specific set of interests that underpins human needs.

Classic Understanding of a Human Being and Its Significance in the Epoch of Different "Posts" (Review of Viktor Petrushenko’s Monograph “A Human Being Who is Searching for Being (Three Talks on the Main Things) ” , Lviv: Publishing House Magnolia, 2019.)

In the reviewed monograph refers to a personality as a sensible and intelligent being, of his knowledge and values, of freedom and consciousness, which are manifestations of the aspiration of a personality towards being. The main way of human existence in the world is to be a personality. Today, there is a danger of levelling the personal beginning of human existence, when the science of man is increasingly naturalized, neurolyzed and computerized. Such a levelling leads to post-humanism and post-humanity. It is on one side.