The article substantiates the axiological and legal principles of environmental security in the modern world, clarifies the role of the value system of society in the socio-cultural mechanism of environmental security.
The author formulates the definition of ecological safety as a state of constant and dynamic equilibrium of the nature-society system, characterized by, on the one hand, protection of the natural environment from destructive anthropogenic impact and ability to self-reproduction of ecosystems, on the other - protection of society from environmental threats. disasters, ensuring healthy natural conditions for his life.
It is proved that the substantive and instrumental side of the values of environmental safety, the way of their implementation in public life are social and legal norms that play the role of instrumental values and social regulators of environmentally safe behavior and life.
At the heart of the formation of social and legal norms of environmentally safe living are the needs of social actors that act as motives for such behavior and legal norms as social rules of environmentally safe activities. The set of social and legal norms is a socio-cultural model of environmentally safe behavior and interactions, which allows you to predict the environmental consequences of their activities, avoid environmental risks, reduce the degree of environmental threats. Consolidated in the mind, such social norms function as established guidelines for environmental behavior.
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