
The role of national consciousness phenomenon in the state-legal space

The article analyzes the problem of national identity value for the state-legal space. It’s positioned that consciousness of separate individual creates views, ideas, feelings about current or desired law, state, social and governmental processes. In state-government activities – national consciousness of the individual affects not only on the individual level, but also generates comprehensive national mass intentions.

Genesis of personality in the light of philosophical and legal determinants

In the article the one of the main problems of philosophy of law, namely the formation of personality in the context of a combination of social and individual in this institution. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving the fundamental problem of social science: identity formation in the light of philosophical and legal determinants. A correlation between individual and social factors of personality and the formation of man as a full member of society.

Personal worldview, humanistic conceptualism

The article deals with the philosophical and legal analysis of personal philosophy through the prism of humanistic conceptualism and therefore formulated the theoretical and  methodological basis of the abovementioned issues. It was found that the presence of cognitive and emotional values of the components and their organic combination creates conditions for ideological correlation identity, a process which with varying intensity and direction is for all human life.

Methodological dilemma definition of “socialization” in the philosophical-legal concept

The article is devoted to the social and philosophical analysis of the legal process of socialization and its basic categories; systematization of basic legal forms (adaptation, internalization, acculturation) features pravosotsializuyuchyh influence of various factors on individual, personal prerequisites socialization of Ukrainian society in the context of globalization changes. Analyzed the phenomenon of legal socialization as an objective and natural process of inclusion of the individual in social and legal relations as their subject.

The christian religion in the life and work of T. G. Shevchenko

Jn the basis of scientific, historical, philosophical and religious sources in the article analyzed the role and place of the Christian religion in the life and wod of the brilliant poet Taras Shevchenko, rating of philosopher of religion as an important factor in the formation of high morals and spirituality as an individual and all-people.

Socialization: methodological approach to problems

The article reveals the essence and meaning of methodological approaches to explain the process of socialization, analyzed the prospect of developing definite problem. The problem of socialization is analyzed on contemporary research in this area, offered a new perspective on its status in the social philosophy that meets the needs of a knowledge-social personality development prevailing in society today.

Transformations of the existential manifestations of human being in the network culture

The article analyzes features of the network culture and its impact on the socio-cultural space of a human being, on values and communication existential expressions. Peculiarities of functioning and basic features of network culture are determined.

The concept of traditional architecture in terms of preserving identity of modern architectural space in Ukraine

The article deals with the issue of preserving a traditional Ukrainian architectural environment under conditions of present-day construction. It has been found out that an ecological approach and landscape integration, traditional for Ukrainian folk architecture, which could become the basis for preserving its identity in future, in most cases coincide with the concept of modern organic architecture as well as modern understanding the relationship between society and nature.

Nihilismas the opposite of legal culture and deformation of justice

This paper addresses the problem of the historical origins of nihilism as a social phenomenon, its development and existence of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and its negative effects, which take place in the modern construction of the independent Ukrainian state. Particular emphasis is on the role of the legal nihilism as the opposite of legal culture and strains of modern youth justice in Ukraine.