information security

Іnformation society as the main priority of promising development of the state

In the scientific article the prerequisites for development of information society in Ukraine and revealed its importance for development. Analyzed the concept of “information society” concept disclosed its application. The level of development of information society in Ukraine, disadvantages and problems on overcoming them according to the Strategy of information society development in Ukraine. Analyzed international rating indicators of information society development in Ukraine.

A general description of the legal relations in the sphere of information security in Ukraine

The article discusses the issue of legal relations in the sphere of information security in Ukraine. The subjects and objects of legal relations in the sphere of information security have been considered. It has been proved that the main aim of information security is to unsure the balance of the interests of the individual, of society and of the State and their effective cooperation within the sphere of global information. It should be coordinated with the state policy in the sphere of security in general.

Historiographical analysis of the problem of information security in the post-Soviet space

The article analyzes the scientific works of modern Russian and foreign scientists in the context of studies of various  aspects of information security. After the collapse of the USSR information security of the state, society and the individual  became the subject of scientific research of political scientists, sociologists, jurists, philosophers, and experts in the  information technology. But in historical perspective defined perspective is seen for the first time. 

Assessing Protection Means of Information Resources

The paper considers specifics of information resources protection in corporate networks and systems. An approach to assessing protection means is described which allows to reduce their deployment cost and adapts easily to specific needs of any organization with an allowance for specifics of its activities and business. Such an approach makes it possible to describe information resources more precisely through their characteristic vulnerabilities and resources cost. It also helps to rank the risks and information resources according to their criticality for organization activities.

Administrative-legal regulation of standardization – is an important direction of improving the defense of Ukraine

The article deals with the problem of administrative and legal regulation of standardization, an important direction of increasing the country's defense. From the standpoint of administrative and information law deals with theoretical aspects of adaptation
of national legislation on standardization in the conditions of association of Ukraine and the European Union.

Data Protection With Intellectual Support of Organizational and Technical and Operational Management

For the successful use of modern information technologies, it is necessary to effectively manage not only the network, but also information systems security (ISS), the information system on the level of the system must operate autonomously implementing the management structure of information security events, planning the composition of modular ISS and audit.

Information and legal principles regulation of electronic money

The article raises questions of the legal regulation of electronic money in the development of electronic payment systems and information technology in the context of adapting national legislation to the EU. Functions of electronic money, regulatory support implementation of these functions, directions of improvement of legal regulation of legal relations in the use and production of electronic money institutions monitor the activities that use electronic money.