decision making

The impact of cognitive distortions of economic development

The article studies cognitive distortions (illusions) and the possibilities of using cognitive and emotional factors to make decisions by different market actors in conditions of uncertainty. The theoretical foundations of the irrational behavior of economic actors, based on cognitive or social reasons, are highlighted. The authors note that the functioning of the cognitive sphere of a person is often accompanied by certain errors that are scientifically attributed to cognitive distortions in the rational behavioral paradigm that cause distortions in the perception of reality.

Choice of conceptualization of a problem situation by an intelligent agent in decision-making tasks

The research in the domain of autonomous intelligent agent is the foreground of the introduction of artificial intelligence solution in all areas of economy. The intelligent autonomous systems combine the usage of pattern recognition, reasoning, decision making, conceptual modeling techniques and methods. The important part of intelligent agent implementation is to find the conceptualization which is suitable to the current problematic situation. Despite all progress around autonomous intelligent agents, humans are much more flexible and creative in making the right conceptualizations.

System of Message Exchange and Data Processing of Ecological and Natural Communities

With the development of technological tools, it is increasingly common to meet systems which are using online messaging applications for communication with users. This process occurs with the help of so-called chatbots. Chatbot is a programmable application in which the algorithm of interaction with the user, provided by developers, is implemented. The bot provides information in the form of text or audio messages.

Methods of swarm algorithms solution of applied tasks in geoinformation systems

At this article proposed to use intelligent planning agents using ontological approach to automate the procedures of formation of many alternative solutions and the choice of rational decision in branch of GIS. It proposed to use the developed knowledge base in the field of methods of swarm intelligence based on adaptive ontology and a database of scientific publications in this field. All applied problems in the branch of geoinformation systems are divided into classes of problems: stationary, quasi-stationary, dynamic.


The article analyzes the requirements for increasing the probability of conformity assessment of products. To increase the probability of measuring inspection, there have to be applied more precise measuring systems; performed multiple observations of the investigated quantity. An analysis was conducted for each of the ways.

Aspects manifestation of uncertainty in the process of developing decision support systems

This article describes the classification and approaches to the construction of DSS that take into account various aspects of the uncertainty of the development of DSS. Features of the classification were proposed and described. Generalized classification of DSS was improved. The analysis of the types of architecture, architecture reviewed information resource decision support systems, based on the principles of building a data warehouse.


The mechanism of diagnosing the economic decisions making of business entities is
developed and justified. Based on research of theoretical provisions, authors proved economic
decision making is determining condition of economic activity and require delement of the
process of realizing the physical impact on resources through the transformation of which such
activityis carried out. Economic decisions are made directly by business entity that carries out
the activity, independently conducts economic operations, enters into contractual, property

Cyber-physical system layers integration

The issues of cyber-physical systems creation and approaches to their solving are formed in the article. The base principles of the multilayer platform for Cyber-Physical Systems are formed in accordance with achievements and modern conceptions of computer, information and telecommunication technologies application. The structure of the multilayer platform for Cyber-Physical Systems are offered, its applications and functions are described.

Cyber-physical systems multilayer platform and research framework

The issues of cyber-physical systems creation and approaches to their solving are formed in the article. The base principles of the multilayer platform for Cyber-Physical Systems are formed in accordance with achieve¬ments and modern conceptions of computer, information and telecommunication technologies application. The structure of the multilayer platform for Cyber-Physical Systems are offered, its applications and functions are described.

Прогнозування ризиків кредитування фізичних осіб за математичними моделями

In the Paper modern approaches to mathematical modeling of retail crediting process have been considered. The necessity to construct specialized decision support systems on the basis of system analysis principles in crediting potential clients was recognized. Advantages of such systems are possibilities to implement effective preliminary data processing, use several alternative methods to estimate clients’ status and set of quality criteria on each stage of data analysis.