
The Feasibility of Using Reccurent Neural Networks as a Tool for Improving the Scrum Sprint Planning Process

The study substantiates the feasibility of using machine learning technology to improve the iteration planning process in IT projects implemented using the Scrum methodology. The problem of productivity planning in teams is set. The subject and object of the research are formulated. The expected scientific novelty and practical significance of the research results are described. A range of potential issues related to task planning in IT projects, particularly the accuracy of team productivity forecasting, is considered.

A Comparison of LSTM, GRU, and XGBoost for forecasting Morocco's yield curve

The field of time series forecasting has grown significantly over the past several years and is now highly active.  In numerous application domains, deep neural networks are exact and powerful.  They are among the most popular machine learning techniques for resolving big data issues because of these factors.  Historically, there have been numerous methods for accurately predicting the subsequent change in time series data.  The time series forecasting problem and its mathematical underpinnings are first articulated in this study.  Following that, a description of the m


We consider waste management and management as an area of ​​ecological safety. As a result of the study, the ecological aspects of this branch of activity were analyzed on the example of the operation of the operating MSW landfill in the city of Kremenchuk. The prospective direction of the field of waste management in the region, as well as the state of its financing, are taken into account. Such dangerous factors in the operation of the municipal landfill for the environment as: pollution of groundwater and open dumps of the landfill have been identified.

Information system for forecasting sales of building materials

The work purpose is information system design and development. The study object is sales forecasting system process for building materials assortment. The study subject is forecasting sales system development methods and means for building materials assortment. the process of the system of forecasting sales of the range of construction materials.

Forecasting indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine

The article proposes approaches and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of state regulation of sustainable development. The indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine according to world ratings are investigated. Forecast of indicators of sustainable development for the next three years is carried out. The influence of each individual indicator on sustainable development of Ukraine is determined.

Exponential smoothing constant determination to minimize the forecast error

One of the fundamental issues in exponential smoothing is to determine the smoothing constants.  Researchers usually use the determination available in the statistical software.  However, the result may not able to minimize the forecast error.  For this study, the optimal values of smoothing constant are based on minimizing the forecast errors, mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and root mean squared error (RMSE).  The double exponential smoothing method or Holt's method is chosen where two constant values must identify specifically the level and trend estimate, respectively.  The real d

Information technology for time series forecasting by the method of the forecast scheme synthesis

The study is devoted to the development of information technology for forecasting based on time series. It has been found that it is important to develop new models and forecasting methods to improve the quality of the forecast. Information technology is based on the evolutionary method of synthesis of the forecast scheme grounded on basic forecast models. The selected method allows you to consider any number of predictive models that may belong to different classes.

Architecture for the Information System of the Cryptocurrency Content Integration and Formation on the Basis of the Exchange Activity Analysis

The processes of content analysis, integration and formation with the consideration of cryptographic needs of the user are investigated. Using the developed formal model and conducted a critical analysis of methods and technologies for forecasting the cryptographic

Macromodelling as an approach for short-term load forecasting of electric power system objects

In the paper methods of construction of mathematical models intended for the power consumption forecasting are discussed. Alternative method of forecasting of defined object using discrete macromodels which allows to conduct quantative analysis of characteristics of the electric energy consumption in the future using known previous data obtained during the field test is proposed.

Forecasting deformations of nuclear power plant structures

When studying the dynamics of sedimentation of the foundations of nuclear power plants, paramount importance, in addition to regular measurements, is acquired by their theoretical prediction. Since the amount of sediment affects a variety of different factors, it is practically impossible to take them into account in mathematical modeling. Even the consideration of several factors leads to a system of partial differential equations, the realization of which is a rather complex mathematical problem.