
Legacy of the World Educational Space and Its Influence on the Interaction of Education and Culture

The article analyzes interaction of the educational system and culture during the process of world educational space development. Versatile influence of the world educational space on the creation of a new educational and cultural reality, in which take place self-realization of the individual, enhancement of the dialogue of cultures and preservation of national and cultural peculiarities is theoretically grounded.

The satisfaction of the public authorities interaction in the field of the automotive service of population in Ukraine

The article analyzes theoretical and applied aspects of interaction between local authorities and local self-government bodies in the context of transport services of passengers by public transport. From the position of administrative law, the regulatory and legal framework for the provision of transport services by local government bodies and local self- government bodies is analyzed, directions of interaction.

Administrative and legal principles of the activity of state bodies in the sphere of national security

The article deals with the administrative and legal principles of the activity of state bodies in the field of national security. The subjects of administrative-legal maintenance of national security in Ukraine, their tasks and service are considered. Legal means, forms and methods of the activity of bodies of national security, their interaction are studied.

Police cooperation Ukraine and the European Union – legal aspects

Forming legal space on law enforcement Ukraine on cooperation with the European Police Office in the efficiency of combating crime within the jurisdiction of European law enforcement agencies. Analyzed legal acts regulating legal relations in the sphere of interaction of information systems, information and telecommunication networks, information and personal data.

Вплив міжмолекулярних взаємодій на сумісність полівінілхлориду і полістиролу у діестерфталатних пластифікаторах

The influence of component composition and nature of plasticizer on the nature of intermolecular interactions in the system polyvinyl chloride - polystyrene - diesterphtalate and optical properties of polymer solutions is ascertained. The influence of intermolecular interactions on the compatibility parameter between macromolecules is revealed. Встановлений вплив компонентного складу і природи пластифікатора на характер міжмолекулярних взаємодій у системі полівінілхлорид – полістирол – діестерфталат та оптичні характеристики розчинів полімерів.

Main institutions of civil society and rule of law, principles of cooperation

The article is dedicated to one of the main problems of the theory and philosophy of law. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving one of the fundamental problems of legal science: principles of interaction civil basic institutions of society and the rule of law. The authors analyzed the functioning of the common institutions of the rule of law and civil society. Also referred to the need for cooperation in the process of reforming society.