information system

Information System for Ukrainian Text Voiceover Based on Nlp and Machine Learning Methods

During the research, an information system for voicing Ukrainian-language text was developed based on NLP and machine learning methods. The created information system is implemented in the form of a desktop application, which allows the process of voicing the Ukrainian-language text. The created system included all stages of software development: the design process, the implementation process, and the testing process.

Intelligent information system for automatic generation of symbols in the APP-6D standard

Military symbols play a key role in the command and control of military forces. By communicating information that meets basic requirements, situational awareness can be quickly achieved; by its graphical nature, it provides a common operating language that greatly facilitates interaction across cultural and linguistic barriers. With the advent of information technology, the need arose for rapidly recognized international standards that could then be taught to computers. The fusion of high standard air, sea and land symbols on APP-6 paper resulted in Mil-Std-2525 and NATO APP-6D.

Information system for remote support of legal services

The main ways of using information technologies in the field of legal services are analyzed. The functional purpose is given and the software tools that make it possible to order legal services remotely are analyzed. Options for implementing such an information system within the framework of the “Smart city” concept are described. Here are screenshots of the main pages of the information system project.

Information system prototype for monitoring and content analysis of complaints from smart city residents

One of the current computerization trends is the active development of “smart city” or “Smart city” technologies, in particular, the support of administrative e-services, the development of transport systems, the use of ecologically clean energy sources, the development of ecology, the modernization of the city’s digital equipment, in an improved state. life in the city, completion of all processes of the city infrastructure. All this complex of works is as accessible as possible with the correct use of “Smart city” technology. Smart cities contribute to sustainable development.

Information system for forecasting sales of building materials

The work purpose is information system design and development. The study object is sales forecasting system process for building materials assortment. The study subject is forecasting sales system development methods and means for building materials assortment. the process of the system of forecasting sales of the range of construction materials.

Information system for extraction of information from open web resources

The purpose of the work is to develop a project of an information and reference system for finding answers to questions based on the highest degree of comparison using text content from open English- language web resources. Examples of such questions can be: “What is the best book ever?”, “What is the most popular IDE for Python”. The result of the functioning of the information and reference system is a ranked list of answers based on the frequency of appearance of each of the answer options.

Information system project for startup of supporting internet tourism in Ukrainian territory

Today, the issue of tourism, travel, research of the city or its history remains quite relevant. Awareness of one’s identity, learning the history of one’s people are important aspects of life, or learning the culture of other peoples. Although the Covid-19 pandemic and the war have put this issue on the back burner, it adds new challenges to it. On the one hand, interest in research and learning something new is enhanced by isolation, both internal - limiting people’s personal contacts, and external – closed borders and a limited flow of tourists.

The virtual reality information system for the isn lpnu department tours with elements of full immersion as a platform for an open day

Virtual reality is an important information technology that allows to achieve significant progress in underserved areas. Immersive multimedia, or virtual reality, is a software-simulated environment that simulates physical presence in the real or imagined world. Innovative applications such as high-tech intelligent systems that correlate with the information technologies of display, modelling, building and maintaining networks, artificial touch and computer graphics have made virtual reality a breakthrough in the computing world.

Information system for converting audio in ukrainian language into its textual representation using nlp methods and machine learning

Speech recognition involves various models, methods and algorithms for analysing and processing the user’s recorded voice. This allows people to control different systems that support one type of speech recognition. A speech-to-text conversion system is a type of speech recognition that uses spoken data for further processing.

Improvement of the information security of the management system

The study is aimed at researching ways to improve the information support of the management system using software. The authors determined that automation allows to reduce the time required to perform basic management functions, it is used for calculations and analysis, design, quality control, planning of all operational processes, hiring and accounting of employees, etc. An information system is a combination of technical, software and organizational support, as well as personnel, designed to provide the right people with the right information in a timely manner.