information system


The paper deals with the urgent issue of improving the professional software for text statistical analysis in accordance with the needs of specialists. Peculiarities and prospects of statistical research in linguistics are analyzed and information technology (IT) for determining the statistical profile of Ukrainian-language texts is developed. Complex work on modelling the software system was carried out, it was presented in the corresponding schemes and diagrams, which integrally reflect the functioning and purpose of the developed product.


Systems for detecting network intrusions and detecting signs of cyber attacks on information systems have long been used as one of the necessary lines of defense of information systems. Today, intrusion and attack detection systems are usually software or hardware-software solutions that automate the process of monitoring events occurring in the information system or network, as well as independently analyze these events in search of signs of security problems.

Модель системи протидії вторгненням в інформаційних системах

The article proposes a model of intrusion detection systems (IDS), which reflects the main
processes that take place in the system in order to optimize the processes of anti-intrusion. Such
processes in general can be represented as processes of allocation and use of resources that are
allocated for the protection of information. The use of modeling techniques to ensure the
appropriate level of information security has led to the development of many formal security

Prototype of Information System of Analysis of Structural and Logical Schemes of Educational Programs

The article contains the results of the analysis of the current situation of using system solutions in the creation and improvement of educational programs. During the analysis and research of the subject area the factors influencing the comprehensive development of the student are determined. These factors and curricula have also been linked. The basic terms and key concepts of this subject area are analyzed and their influence and importance are determined.

Design and Implementation of an Information System for Self-Control of Bronchial Asthma by Patients

The aim of this article is to develop information system for people with bronchial asthma. The main function of the information system described in the article is enabling self- control of bronchial asthma by patients. By controlling asthma correctly, patients can reduce the symptoms of asthma. The most important task solved before the information system design was a selection of the asthma parameters which can be monitored and implemented in it. The information system consists of two main elements: a database and an application.


The work is devoted to the problem of creation and implementation of educational services in the process of teaching foreigners listeners of Ukrainian language. Two Web-based learning systems have been developed – an audiovisual training course in the Moodle shell and a KIAP system for constructing Ukrainian language tasks and automated testing of them. It is shown that the Moodle distance learning system was used mostly in the first semester of study. In the second semester, when you have studied professional Ukrainian language, the KIAP system is effective in application.

Applying Smartphones for Positioning in the Middle of the Room

The article deals with the problem of navigating indoors in conditions of satellite signal unavailability. In this case, alternative sources of positioning are used to determine the location of the objects. Use for navigation tasks inside the premises of the smartphone allows you to get comprehensive data on its operation. To solve the problem of navigation, the most important elements of the data sets is the unique identifier of the monitored device and the relative power level of the signal received from it.

Formal Presentation of User Information With Detection Meaningful Objects

The user activity for finding informative meaningful objects needed to solve the problem is considered. To formalize this activity, set theory is used. The mathematical models of formulation of request, analysis of the issued documents and selection of information objects for the solution to the user problem are presented. In addition, mathematical models of intellectual activitiesof user and cognitive processes are developed. The experimental results of the search engines such as Google, Yandex, META, Rambler, Yahoo are given.

Models and methods of synthesis description of rational architecture information system

This paper describes the models and methods, the use of which can solve the problem of synthesis of architecture description of information system. The method of synthesis of options of architecture description of information system was developed. A game-theoretical model describing the synthesis of rational architecture describe of information system. Features of using synthesized description to determine project constraints are described.