
Problem aspects of social adaptation of persons released from places of deprivation of will


The reform of the criminal-executive system has set Ukraine the task of determining the priority conditions and means of social adaptation of persons who have been released from places of deprivation of liberty.

The article examines the socio-legal nature of the process of social adaptation of persons released from prisons. 


Physiological rehabilitation is applied in medical practice to restore a person's functional ability after musculoskeletal
injuries. Movements in the joints are the main functional indicator of the activity of the organs of support and movement.
The paper considers a resistive goniometric sensor in the form of a ball joint. Based on such a sensor, a medical rehabilitation
goniometric system is developed. It includes also a data collection device (autonomous data recorder) and a portable modem.

Problemmed public administration in the field of medical rehabilitation in the process of the national health system transformation

The article deals with the current state of public administration in the field of medical rehabilitation. Attention is drawn to the emergence of new factors affecting the effectiveness of public administration in this area because of the transformation of the national health system. The main problems and directions of improvement of mechanisms of public administration in the field of medical rehabilitation as the subsystem of the national health care system are determined.

Problems of improving the quality of social services in the process of deepening international cooperation of domestic and polish enterprises

The article analyzes the dynamics of the number of people with disabilities in Ukraine, in particular by groups and separately children with disabilities, the provision of services by the State Employment Service for people with disabilities, including Lviv region during January-September 2020-2021.

Problems of rehabilitation terminology translation

The article is dedicated to the analyzing of problems, occurred during the translation of rehabilitation terms from French into Ukrainian. The field abbreviations became the most difficult in the translation process – we were searching for decoding in the French explanatory dictionaries for physical rehabilitation / therapy, in scientific articles, textbooks and on Internet resources, sometimes a verbal translation was offered, since there were practically no translation options for an appropriate abbreviation in the Ukrainian language.


The  theme  of  the  project  proposal  relates  to  scientific  research  in  the  field  of  health  care  and  medical technologies on  the basis of  the  further development  and  implementation of hardware software,  smart  sensors,  the  technique of processing, normalizing and applying of information signals for the creation of means for adjusting the physiological state of the human body by the electro stimulation, agreed in real-time mode with cardiac rhythm.

Approaches to ranking causes of management crises in an industrial and commercial association

The paper presents the improved method for ranking causes of management crises in industrial and commercial associations (ICA) in the changing environment, the peculiarity of which is designing management procedures focused on groups of similar causes of problem situations. Visualization of a set of causes leading to emergence of problem situations allows making more thorough decisions concerning the impact to be made on a particular object of ICA to ensure its economic security.