The reform of the criminal-executive system has set Ukraine the task of determining the priority conditions and means of social adaptation of persons who have been released from places of deprivation of liberty.
The article examines the socio-legal nature of the process of social adaptation of persons released from prisons.
The problems of social adaptation of those released from prisons or restrictions of freedom to the conditions of life in freedom are considered, the directions of work with them, as well as the entities that implement these directions, are determined.
The main principles of state policy regarding the social rehabilitation of persons released from prisons are indicated.
We note that the adaptation of a released offender is a new adjustment of the personality to the social environment, acceptance of norms, laws, traditions, customs that were lost or underwent significant deformation under the conditions of his stay in places of deprivation of liberty.
Therefore, further legal or, on the contrary, criminal activity of the person will depend on this stage.
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