comparative analysis

Investigatory analysis of the natural hazards on the Indian coastline

Predictive analysis, comparative analysis, and image processing can provide vital insights into understanding natural phenomena.  Water bodies surround India on three sides, so natural disasters (cyclones, floods, and other related hazards) and rising water levels due to meteorological fluctuations are common occurrences.  The coastal states of India, due to their diverse nature, are constantly exposed to various risks.


The article examines the issue of the occurrence and influence of bending moments on the bearing capacity of a combined steel truss made of rectangular bent-welded profiles. A comparative analysis of technical and economic indicators in terms of material intensity, labor intensity, and cost of traditional-typical and lightweight combined steel trusses was carried out. The paper examines steel trusses of long-span buildings with a span of 30 m. The force graphs (bending moments and axial forces) for various calculation schemes of the combined steel truss are shown.

Розроблення інформаційної системи підтримки прийняття рішень для моделювання і прогнозування фінансово-економічних процесів

Для прийняття об’єктивних обґрунтованих рішень у всіх сферах діяльності необхідно створювати інформаційні системи підтримки прийняття рішень на основі статистичних даних і експертних оцінок та з використанням відповідних математичних моделей та методів. Запропоновано процедуру побудови інформаційної системи підтримки прийняття рішень за методологією системного аналізу на основі сучасних методів і моделей прогнозування, яка надає можливість оцінювати та прогнозувати фінансово- економічні та інші процеси в умовах впливу збурень довільних типів та різної природи.

Future Changes in Logistics & Supply Chains: a Competence Dimension

The article notes that the integration of the Ukrainian economy into the EU is partially hampered by purely logistical factors. The positions of Ukraine in the world ranking of the Logistics Performance Index are analyzed. Attention is focused on the component of «logistics competence», which is significantly behind the average European level. The authors suggested that the existing backlog could offset the new generation of potential managers who were the target audience of this study.


This article examines the main generally accepted indicators for assessing certain aspects of public administration, which are used in international practice. The study of these indicators will provide a general description of the quality of the existing system of public administration and the effectiveness and efficiency of its operation, as well as reflect the existing features of socio-political life and economic policy implemented in the country by public (primarily and largely public) government and administration.

State policy of Ukraine and Poland for the protection of national minorities: comparative analysis (Review Article)

The article presents a comparative analysis of the state policy of Ukraine and Poland on the protection of the rights of national minorities. The authors reveal the nature and highlight features of national minorities, analyze the situation of national minorities that exists in Ukraine and Poland.

Структура системи порівняльного аналізу електронних текстових документів за змістом

The study analyzes the scheme of services for determining the uniqueness of electronic text documents, considered their main characteristics while checking the originality of the article. An author presents structure of the system for comparative analysis of electronic text documents by content, she outlines the operating principle each of its major components.

Internal audit in the public finance sector and its role in the system of management control

The article presents the issues of the functioning of internal audit in the public finance
sector and its role in the system of management control. The main purpose of this article is to
demonstrate that the internal audit and management control are necessary tools for use in
public sector units. The necessity to control comes from the fact the management of public
The article presents the definitions and characteristics of both of these tools ona